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Fugitive Slave Movement National Historic Event (NHE) Windsor, Ontario This designation has been identified for review
Persons Case National Historic Event (NHE) Edmonton, Alberta Cleared the way for the appointment of women to the Senate; established that Canadian women were full persons, equal to men
Nine Mile Portage and Willow Depot National Historic Event (NHE) Simcoe County, Ontario Crucial in supplying the British post at Michilimackinac, in 1813, and allowed to maintain control of key territories in 1814
Athabasca Trail National Historic Event (NHE) Edmonton, Alberta 161km portage, Edmonton to Athabasca River, established 1875 by Hudson's Bay Company
Skirmish at McCrae's House National Historic Event (NHE) Chatham, Ontario British capture of American troops in 1813; War of 1812; house of Thomas Mccrae
Seat of Territorial Government National Historic Event (NHE) n/a, Saskatchewan Capital of Northwest Territories was Fort Livingstone 1876-78
First Eastward Crossing of the Northwest Passage National Historic Event (NHE) Regina, Saskatchewan 1940-42 Arctic voyage of the St. Roch from Vancouver to Sydney
Okanagan Brigade Trail National Historic Event (NHE) Westbank, British Columbia Fur trade route used between 1811 and 1848
Chinese Construction Workers on the Canadian Pacific Railway National Historic Event (NHE) Yale, British Columbia Role of the Chinese workers in building the Canadian Pacific Railway
First Women's Institute National Historic Event (NHE) Stoney Creek, Ontario Foundation of the first women's institute in Canada in 1897