Research guidelines for Parks Canada's Western Arctic Field Unit

Aulavik National Park
Ivvavik National Park
Tuktut Nogait National Park
Pingo Canadian Landmark

Parks Canada encourages research and monitoring projects in our heritage areas. Accordingly, information about the Parks Canada research permitting process is available on the Parks Canada website through the On-Line Research and Collection Permitting System (RCPS). For research permitting information specific to the western Arctic please visit the General Information section of the RCPS website. Click on Heritage Area Specific Information and Conditions and select the appropriate park or the Pingo Canadian Landmark from the scroll down menu. For research in the western Arctic that extends outside of the national parks or the Pingo Canadian Landmark (PCL) please ensure that you have applied for the appropriate Territorial permits (see section 1).

All three national parks and the Pingo Canadian Landmark fall within the Inuvialuit Settlement Region (ISR) and, as such, are subject to the terms of the Inuvialuit Final Agreement (IFA). Ivvavik National Park is managed under the IFA as part of the Yukon North Slope special conservation regime. A number of the processes and cooperative management bodies established through the IFA have been put in place to ensure that the Inuvialuit are adequately involved and consulted with respect to activities occurring within the ISR. Due to the cooperative regime established under the IFA, the research permitting process in the western Arctic is complex. In general, plan for a minimum of four months to complete all of the necessary steps and include a “best case” scenario (i.e.: all desired research at all desired locations) in your permit application. Be sure to contact the Research Permit Coordinator for the Western Arctic Field Unit at the initial stages of the permitting process for assistance in completing your Parks Canada Research and Collection Permit application and to determine the appropriate consultative requirements and procedures.

For additional information about conducting research in the national parks of the Western Arctic or in the Pingo Canadian Landmark please contact:

Western Arctic Field Unit Research Permit Coordinator
Parks Canada, Western Arctic Field Unit
P.O. Box 1840
Inuvik, Northwest Territories X0E 0T0
Phone: (867) 777-8800
Fax: (867) 777-8820

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