Tent talks

Thousand Islands National Park

Seeing nature through an expert’s eyes

Location: Mallorytown Landing (1121 Thousand Islands Parkway)
Official Language: Speakers will be presenting in English with Parks Canada employees present to interpret the presentations in French
For more information contact 613-923-5261

Upcoming Tent Talks

August 2
1 pm

Tim Yearington Grey Thunderbird)

Indigenous Storyteller

August 8
1 pm

Megan Stickle 
Thousand Islands National Park 

Forest Puddles and Why We Need Them

August 11
1 pm

Sara Baker 
Thousand Islands National Park

Why Did The Turtle Cross The Road?

August 12
1 pm

Mathieu Lecompte 
Thousand Islands National Park

Search for Snakes: Radio Telemetry

August 18
1 pm

Ashley Strauss 
Thousand Islands National Park

New Weather, New Neighbours

August 22
1 pm

Calder Schweitzer 
Thousand Islands Watershed Land Trust

The Secret Weapon Against Climate Change

August 24
1 pm

Jamieson Findlay
Nature Canada

In the Footsteps of Alice the Moose

August 25
1 pm

Colton Bentley
Thousand Islands National Park

Understanding our Water: The Impacts on the Great Lakes

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