Ouvrages recommandés

Outre les publications de Parcs Canada se rapportant au parc national Ivvavik, les ouvrages suivants donnent d'excellents renseignements sur la région :

Andre, Alestine et Fehr, Alan. 2002. Gwich'in Ethnobotany: Plants used by the Gwich'in for food, medicine, shelter and tools. Gwich'in Social and Cultural Institute et Aurora Research Institute. Inuvik, T.N.-O. 68pp.

National Geographic Society.1987. Field Guide to the Birds of North America. National Geographic Society, Washington, D.C. 464 pp

Page, Burt.1991.Barrenland Beauties.Outcrop Ltd., Yellowknife, T.N.-O. 246 pp.

Pielou, E.C. 1994. A Naturalist's Guide to the Arctic. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL. 327 pp.

Secrétariat de la CFFA, éd. 2000. Arctic Flora and Fauna, Status and Conservation. Edita Plc, Helsinki. 272 pp.

Trelawny, John G. 1993. Wildflowers of the Yukon, Alaska and Northwestern Canada. Sono Nis Press, Victoria, C.-B.. 214 pp.

Western Arctic Handbook Committee. 2002. Canada's Western Arctic Including the Dempster Highway. Western Arctic Handbook Committee. 352 pp.

Western Arctic Handbook Committee. Natural History of the Western Arctic. Western Arctic Handbook Committee. 98 pp.

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