The State of Canada's Natural and Historic Places 2011

Figure 3: Status of National Marine Conservation Areas System Plan

Return to Figure 3

Legend - Status of region (ongoing or completed)
Step 5 - Establishment
Step 4 - Negotiation
Step 3 - Feasibility
Step 2 - Selection
Step 1 - Identification
No work underway

Canada's 29 marine regions (including their state) are as follows:

The Arctic Ocean consists of 9 marine regions:

  1. Arctic Basin (Step 1)
  2. Beaufort Sea (Step 2)
  3. Arctic Archipelago (Step 1)
  4. Queen Maud Gulf (Step 1)
  5. Lancaster Sound (Step 3)
  6. Baffin Island Shelf (Step 1)
  7. Foxe Basin (no work underway)
  8. Hudson Bay (Step 2)
  9. James Bay (Step 2)

The Pacific Ocean consists of 5 marine regions:

  1. Hecate Strait (Step 5)
  2. Queen Charlotte Shelf (Step 5)
  3. Queen Charlotte Sound (Step 1)
  4. Vancouver Island Shelf (no work underway)
  5. Strait of Georgia (Step 3)

The Great Lakes consist of 5 marine regions:

  1. Lake Superior (Step 5)
  2. Georgian Bay (Step 5)
  3. Lake Huron (Step 1)
  4. Lake Erie (Step 1)
  5. Lake Ontario (Step 2)

The Atlantic Ocean consists of 10 marine regions:

  1. Hudson Strait (no work underway)
  2. Labrador Shelf (Step 1)
  3. Newfoundland Shelf (Step 2)
  4. North Gulf Shelf (Step 1)
  5. St. Lawrence Estuary (Step 5)
  6. Magdalen Shallows (Step 3)
  7. Laurentian Channel (Step 2)
  8. The Grand Banks (Step 1)
  9. Scotian Shelf (Step 1)
  10. Bay of Fundy (Step 1)

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