Morris, Alexander National Historic Person
Morris, Manitoba
HSMBC plaque and the cairn
© Parks Canada / Parcs Canada
Address :
350 Main Street South, Morris, Manitoba
Recognition Statute:
Historic Sites and Monuments Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. H-4)
Designation Date:
Life Date:
1826 to 1889
Other Name(s):
Alexander Morris
(Designation Name)
This designation has been identified for review
Existing plaque: 350 Main Street South, Morris, Manitoba
Lawyer, writer, and cabinet minister, Alexander Morris was born in Perth, Upper Canada. Elected to the Canadian Legislature in 1861, he strongly assisted the Confederation movement and helped to forge the Great Coalition of 1864. Morris worked for twenty-five years to extend and then to consolidate Canada's hold over the West. He was Manitoba's first Chief Justice in 1872, but resigned to become the second Lieutenant Governor of the province and of the North-West Territories. As Indian Commissioner (1873-76) he successfully negotiated five Indian treaties ceding most of the prairies to the Crown. He died in Toronto.
*Note: This designation has been identified for review. A review can be triggered for one of the following reasons - outdated language or terminology, absence of a significant layer of history, factual errors, controversial beliefs and behaviour, or significant new knowledge.