Dominion Astrophysical Observatory

Classified Federal Heritage Building

Victoria, British Columbia
Side view of the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory showing its simple cylindrical massing with dome. © Parks Canada Agency / Agence Parcs Canada, Andrew Waldron.
Side view of the Observatory.
© Parks Canada Agency / Agence Parcs Canada, Andrew Waldron.
General view of the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory showing its simple cylindrical massing with dome. © Parks Canada / Agence Parcs Canada, Andrew Waldron.Side view of the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory showing its simple cylindrical massing with dome. © Parks Canada Agency / Agence Parcs Canada, Andrew Waldron.Interior view of the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory showing its light structural steel framing with metal cladding. © Parks Canada / Agence Parcs Canada, Andrew Waldron.
Address : 5071 West Saanich Road, Victoria, British Columbia

Recognition Statute: Treasury Board Policy on Management of Real Property
Designation Date: 1997-07-03
  • 1915 to 1917 (Construction)

Event, Person, Organization:
  • Chief Architect’s Branch of the Department of Public Works and Dr. John Stanley Plaskett  (Architect)
Custodian: National Research Council Canada
FHBRO Report Reference: 96-103
DFRP Number: 17324 00

Description of Historic Place

Sitting on a hill slightly over 700 feet above sea level, the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory (DAO) is a two-storey, white cylinder with a domed roof. A projecting main entrance portico consisting of double doors, a round-arched transom and a flanking column supporting a small pediment roof, denotes the main axis of the rotunda form. Multipaned windows with shutters are regularly placed four per bay, every other bay, and above the entrance portico filling the bay is the coat-of-arms. Classicism is evident in the tripartite division of the elevation into the foundation plinth, piano noble and the domed roof, while modern influences are seen in the flattened treatment of the pilasters and entablature. Situated on a circular bermed earthen platform, the structure’s axial composition is reinforced by a sweeping stone stair leading up to the entrance portico. The designation is confined to the footprint of the building.

Heritage Value

The Dominion Astrophysical Observatory is a Classified Federal Heritage Building because of its historical associations and its architectural and environmental values.

Historical Value
The Dominion Astrophysical Observatory (DAO) is one of Canada’s oldest and most important observatories one of the best examples of the development of early government funded astrophysical research, which permitted Canada to take its place as a world leader in astrophysics in the second decade of the nineteenth century. The DAO was built to house a -state-of-the-art- 72 inch telescope on which Dr. John Stanley Plaskett, a brilliant astronomer and the DAO’s first director recorded his first stellar spectrum on May 6, 1918. Its construction was an outgrowth of the early research begun at the Dominion Observatory in Ottawa (1902-04). For two decades, Plaskett and his colleagues studied the motions of young luminous stars in the Milky Way, and were able to provide the first accurate description of the size and nature of the Milky Way Galaxy. These original major studies in stellar and galactic astronomy established the Canadian astronomers at the DAO as world leaders.

Architectural Value
The Dominion Astrophysical Observatory (DAO) is a very good example of Moderne Classical Style and represents evolving modernist tendencies in design. It is also a very good example of the early development of modern construction techniques incorporating utility and speed of assembly. The DAO is characterized by its use of symmetry, its pure geometrical volumes and references to classical design, its flattened, attenuated treatment of the pilasters and entablature and its simple massing and design.

Environmental Value
The Dominion Astrophysical Observatory (DAO) reinforces the present character of the observatory campus. Located on top of Little Saanich Mountain, a hill slightly over 700 feet above sea level, the DAO and its campus have dominated the landscape for 80 years.
A well-known landmark in and around Victoria, the DAO remains the centrepiece of the observatory campus. Because of its world-class scientific work, which has made it the centre of Canadian astronomical research, it is also well known to both the national and international scientific community.

Jacqueline Hucker, Dominion Astrophysical Observatory, 5071 West Saanich Road, Victoria, British Columbia, Federal Heritage Buildings Review Office Building Report 96-103; Dominion Astrophysical Observatory, 5071 West Saanich Road, Victoria, British Columbia, Heritage Character Statement 96-103.

Character-Defining Elements

The character defining elements of the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory (DAO) should be respected.

Its very good Moderne Classical style, modern tendencies in design and modern construction techniques and materials as manifested in: its simple cylindrical massing with dome; the tripartite division of the elevation into the foundation plinth, shaft and dome; its placement on a circular, bermed earthen platform and the sweeping stone stair leading up to entrance portico; its projecting entrance portico consisting of double doors, a round-arched transom, and flanking columns supporting a small pediment roof; the flattened, attenuated treatment of the classical detailing; its interior layout of three circular plates with structural piers and stairs rising up to the third level; its light structural steel framing with metal cladding Toncan metal; its large foundation and massive concrete piers rising up through the building to support the weight of the telescope; the finish materials and detailing, multipaned windows with shutters and the coat of arms.

The manner in which the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory reinforces the present character of the observatory campus and is a landmark in and around Victoria and well known in the national and international scientific community.

Heritage Character Statement

Disclaimer - The heritage character statement was developed by FHBRO to explain the reasons for the designation of a federal heritage building and what it is about the building that makes it significant (the heritage character). It is a key reference document for anyone involved in planning interventions to federal heritage buildings and is used by FHBRO in their review of interventions.

Constructed in 1915-17, the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory (DAO) was built to house a state-of-the-art 72-inch telescope. The building was designed by the Chief Architect's Branch of the Department of Public Works, with considerable input from Dr. John Stanley Plaskett (1865-1941), a brilliant astronomer and the DAO's first director. McAlpine-Robertson Construction, a local construction company, built the main structure while Warner and Swasey Co. of Cleveland, Ohio, an experienced firm which had also built the dome of the Dominion Observatory in Ottawa, designed and installed the dome. The 72-inch telescope was designed and, for the most part, assembled by Plaskett who had the components manufactured by the St. Gobain Glassworks in Belgium. Although the building has remained essentially unchanged, technological upgrades of the observatory equipment have occurred regularly. The building retains its original use as an observatory. The National Research Council (NRC) is the custodian department. See FHBRO Building Report 96-103.

Reasons For Designation
The Dominion Astrophysical Observatory has been designated Classified primarily for its historical significance but also for its architectural and environmental qualities. It is one of Canada's oldest and most important observatories. For a short while, the 72- inch telescope was the largest in the world.

The establishment of the DAO by the federal government in the second decade of the century permitted Canada to take its place as a world leader in astrophysics. Funded by the federal government to establish the study of astrophysics, its construction was an outgrowth of the early research begun at the Dominion Observatory in Ottawa
(1902-04). It represents the government's early vital provision for astrophysical research in Canada. Here, Plaskett recorded his first stellar spectrum on the 72-inch telescope on May 6, 1918. For two decades, Plaskett and his colleagues studied the motions of young luminous stars in the Milky Way, and were able to provide the first accurate description of the size and nature of the Milky Way Galaxy. These original major studies in stellar and galactic astronomy established the Canadian astronomers at the DAO as world leaders.

The building’s design was determined primarily by functional requirements. The domed cylinder form is characteristic of optical observatories. The Moderne Classical style applied to the building represents evolving modernist tendencies in design and construction.

The success of the DAO was largely due to the superior environmental conditions present at the site. For telescopes to perform to their full technological potential, an unobstructed view of the sky and minimal air turbulence above the telescope are required to ensure that the clearest possible image is received. Located on top of Little Saanich Mountain, a hill slightly over 700 feet above sea level, the DAO and its campus have dominated the landscape for 80 years.

A well-known local landmark in and around Victoria, the DAO remains the centerpiece of the observatory campus. Because of its world-class scientific work, which has made it the centre of Canadian astronomical research, it is also well known to both the national and international scientific community.

Character Defining Elements
The heritage character of the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory resides in its simple massing and design, and in its functional properties. It remains the centrepiece of the hilltop observatory campus both in size and importance.

The massing is typical of observatories, consisting of a two-storey cylinder with a domed roof. A projecting entrance portico denotes the main axis of the rotunda form. This simple typical massing is an important feature of the observatory.

The building is designed in the Moderne Classical style. Classicism is evident in the tripartite division of the elevation into the foundation plinth, piano nobile and the domed roof. Other stylistic features include the use of symmetry, pure geometrical volumes, and references to classical design motifs such as the applied colonnade and entablature. The classically-inspired main entrance portico consists of double doors, a round-arched transom, and flanking columns supporting a small pediment roof. Modern influences are present in the flattened, attenuated treatment of the pilasters and entablature. Any repairs or upgrades should respect the simplicity of the Moderne Classical design and maintain the established architectural vocabulary.

The DAO building is representative of the early development of modern construction techniques incorporating utility and speed of assembly. Steel framing is combined with poured reinforced concrete construction. The exterior walls are constructed of light, structural steel framing clad inside and out with a metal cladding product known as "Toncan metal". Foundations requiring 800 tons of reinforced concrete and two massive, concrete piers rising up through the building support the weight of the telescope. The structure is an important feature of the building and telescope.

The finish materials and detailing contribute to the heritage character of the building. At the exterior, the "Toncan metal" panels imitate stone masonry construction including the appearance of ashlar and profiled string courses. Multi-paned windows complete with operable shutters are regularly placed four per bay, every other bay.

Filling the bay above the entrance portico is the coat-of-arms, an important decorative feature. The classical detailing of the entrance portico, including the doors and transom, has been modified. Consideration might be given to reinstating the original design complete with the latticed glazing, to enhance the heritage character of the building. The interior utilizes both metal panels as well some simple wood panelling detailed with classical motifs. It would be appropriate to maintain all original finishes at both the interior and exterior, and to carefully match any missing pieces to the original prototypes. Any new work should utilize the original palette of materials and respect the utilitarian nature of the original design.

The interior layout consists of three circular floor plates with structural piers and stairs rising up to the third level. The first floor which is the entrance level now houses a public display and washrooms. Storage and service areas for the staff are located on the second floor mezzanine. The third floor within the dome is the observation level housing the telescope and other scientific equipment. Heritage character would be protected by maintaining the existing plan layout.

Situated on a circular, bermed earthen platform, the DAO's formal axial composition is reinforced by a sweeping stone stair leading up to the entrance portico. By maintaining these traditional site relationships, the heritage character of the observatory can be protected.