Allward, Walter Seymour National Historic Person

Brantford, Ontario
Showing progress of Walter Allward. © Canada: Dept. of Veterans Affairs / Library and Archives Canada | Bibliothèque et Archives Canada / e002852535
Showing progress of Walter Allward
© Canada: Dept. of Veterans Affairs / Library and Archives Canada | Bibliothèque et Archives Canada / e002852535
Showing progress of Walter Allward. © Canada: Dept. of Veterans Affairs / Library and Archives Canada | Bibliothèque et Archives Canada / e002852535Allward, Walter Seymour © Royal Canadian Academy of Arts | Academie Royale Canadienne des Arts / Library and Archives Canada | Bibliothèque et Archives Canada / PA-103158
Address : 41 West Street, Brantford, Ontario

Recognition Statute: Historic Sites and Monuments Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. H-4)
Designation Date: 2002-07-18
Life Date: 1876 to 1955

Other Name(s):
  • Allward, Walter Seymour  (Designation Name)
Research Report Number: 2001-44

Importance: Outstanding Canadian sculptor in the first quarter of the twentieth century


Existing plaque:  Bell Memorial Park, Brantford, Ontario

An outstanding sculptor of some of Canada's finest public monuments, Walter Allward is best known for his masterpiece, the Vimy war memorial in France. He emerged as a dominant figure in the transition from the sculptural conventions of the Victorian era to the more abstract forms of the 20th century. Many of his works, including the Bell Memorial, combine expressive classical figures with dramatic settings. With his original sense of spatial composition, his mastery of the classical form, and his brilliant craftsmanship, Allward created works of enduring beauty.