Abenaki Migrations to New France (1675-1748) National Historic Event

Odanak and Wôlinak, Quebec
provided by the field unit, 2019 © Parcs Canada | Parks Canada
Wôlinak plaque location
© Parcs Canada | Parks Canada
Village des Abenakis, Pierreville, QC, 1915 © Musée McCord Museum / MP-000.360.1provided by the field unit, 2019 © Parcs Canada | Parks Canada
Address : 104 Sibosis Street, Odanak, Québec AND 10175 Kolipaio Street, Wôlinak, Québec, Odanak and Wôlinak, Quebec

Recognition Statute: Historic Sites and Monuments Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. H-4)
Designation Date: 2007-06-08

Other Name(s):
  • Abenaki Migrations to New France (1675-1748)  (Designation Name)
Research Report Number: 2006-01, 2009-069

Importance: Helped preserve the Abenaki identity and culture in places where they settled and were able to assert themselves as Abenaki


No plaque in place, recommended location:  104 Sibosis Street, Odanak, Quebec

Driven by colonization from their ancestral lands in present day New England, successive groups of Abenaki settled in the heart of the French colony between 1675 and 1748. Their arrival—stemming from a military alliance between the French and the Abenaki—helped to strengthen the defence of New France until the British conquest of 1760. By establishing and maintaining two Abenaki communities in Quebec (Odanak and Wôlinak), these migrations have contributed to the preservation of the identity and culture of this nation to the present day.

Existing plaque:  10175 Kolipaio Street, Wôlinak, Quebec

Driven by colonization from their ancestral lands in present day New England, successive groups of Abenaki settled in the heart of the French colony between 1675 and 1748. Their arrival—stemming from a military alliance between the French and the Abenaki—helped to strengthen the defence of New France until the British conquest of 1760. By establishing and maintaining two Abenaki communities in Quebec (Odanak and Wôlinak), these migrations have contributed to the preservation of the identity and culture of this nation to the present day.