Parlby, Mary Irene National Historic Person

Alix, Alberta
View in detail of the HSMBC plaque in Alix, AB © Parks Canada / Parcs Canada, 1990
HSMBC plaque
© Parks Canada / Parcs Canada, 1990
View in detail of the HSMBC plaque in Alix, AB © Parks Canada / Parcs Canada, 1990View of the location of the HSMBC plaque © Parks Canada / Parcs Canada, 1990
Address : Alix, Alberta

Recognition Statute: Historic Sites and Monuments Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. H-4)
Designation Date: 1966-05-25
Life Date: 1868 to 1965

Other Name(s):
  • Mary Irene Parlby  (Designation Name)

Importance: This designation has been identified for review


Existing plaque:  Alix Lake Campground, Alix, Alberta

A resident of the Alix area from 1896 to 1965, an able legislator, a member of the distinguished "Group of Five" who led the movement for admission of women to the Senate of Canada, Mrs. Parlby rendered significant service in the fields of education, social welfare, and legislative reform. *Note: This designation has been identified for review. A review can be triggered for one of the following reasons - outdated language or terminology, absence of a significant layer of history, factual errors, controversial beliefs and behaviour, or significant new knowledge.