Ducks Unlimited Canada National Historic Event

Stonewall, Manitoba
Photographer: Wayne Lynch
Location: Wapusk National Park of Canada © Parks Canada | Parcs Canada
Pacific Loon
© Parks Canada | Parcs Canada
Photographer: Wayne Lynch
Location: Saguenay St. Lawrence Marine Park © Parcs Canada | Parks CanadaPhotographer: Wayne Lynch
Location: Wapusk National Park of Canada © Parks Canada | Parcs CanadaPhotographer: Wayne Lynch
Location: Wapusk National Park of Canada © Parks Canada | Parcs Canada
Address : Stonewall, Manitoba

Recognition Statute: Historic Sites and Monuments Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. H-4)
Designation Date: 2019-07-26
  • 1937 to 1937 (Established)

Other Name(s):
  • Ducks Unlimited Canada  (Designation Name)
Research Report Number: 2018-19-B

Importance: Conservation organization founded in 1938, it is an early example of the international approach to continental nature conservation in Canada and the United States.


Approved Inscription:  

Founded in 1938 by Canadian and American sportsmen, this non-governmental organization exemplified an international, grassroots approach to conservation in response to declining waterfowl populations and the widespread loss of wetlands. Its innovative outreach campaigns raised awareness and funds across North America, and mobilized volunteers called “Keemen.” Ducks Unlimited Canada helped develop wetland restoration and ecology, mounted one of the first large-scale surveys of breeding waterfowl, and conserved more than 860,000 hectares of habitat in Canada. Today, it remains a leader in waterfowl conservation.