Thomson, Charles Edward Poulett (Baron Sydenham) National Historic Person
Kingston, Ontario
Portrait of Charles Edward Poulett Thomson
© Library and Archives Canada | Bibliothèque et Archives Canada, Acc. No. 1973-18-51
Address :
76 Stuart Street, Kingston, Ontario
Recognition Statute:
Historic Sites and Monuments Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. H-4)
Designation Date:
Life Date:
1799 to 1841
Other Name(s):
Charles Edward Poulett Thomson (Baron Sydenham)
(Designation Name)
Implemented the Union of the Canadas (1840), Governor General (1840-41)
Existing plaque: 76 Stuart Street, Kingston, Ontario
Thomson, a British businessman and politician, was sent to North America to implement the Union of the Canadas. Having won assent for the union in 1840, he was elevated to the peerage and served as the new province's Governor-General until his untimely death in Kingston. In establishing a system based on harmony between legislative and executive branches, yet one which fell short of responsible government, he succeeded in bringing together moderates in an administration designed to aid in recovery from the recent political, social and economic troubles that culminated in the Rebellions of 1837-38.