
Federal Heritage Buildings
Detail of interior postal wicket Dominion Public Building Halifax, Nova Scotia
© Courtesy of Records Disposal, Public Works, Tupper Building

Canadian Association of Heritage Professionals (CAHP)

The Canadian Association of Heritage Professionals provides:

  • advice on locating heritage consultants (by region, and with an emphasis on built heritage)
  • advice on their Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics

Web site:

Heritage Conservation Directorate, Public Works and Government Services Canada

The Heritage Conservation Directorate, as the Centre of Expertise servicing all federal government departments, provides professional and technical expertise for the protection and management of designated heritage buildings, landscapes and engineering works.

It offers a full range of multidisciplinary services including:

  • heritage recording (surveying, rectified photography, photogrammetry)
  • strategic advisory services for owners, managers and custodians (technical input to policy development, maintenance frameworks, management plans, etc.)
  • pre-design investigation and research (advanced technical analysis, RFP development, options analysis)
  • design (guidelines, drawings, specifications)
  • project management (planning, scheduling, estimating, construction contract administration)

For more information, call 819-953-1960.

Canadian Conservation Institute

The Canadian Conservation Institute provides departments with assistance, advice and information about:

  • preventive conservation
  • preservation of collections and heritage property
  • conservation maintenance and treatment
  • emergency response and disaster preparedness
  • contracting of professional conservation services

For more information, call 1-866-998-3721.
Web site:

Parks Canada

Parks Canada can provide departments with:

  • tools, guidelines and online resources, as well as information about cultural resource management principles and practices
  • information and advice regarding the Government of Canada's Archaeological Heritage Policy Framework (1990).



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