Announcement – Appointment of John Haselmayer - Field Unit Superintendent, Yukon

Dear Colleagues,

I am pleased to announce the appointment of John Haselmayer to the position of Field Unit Superintendent, Yukon, within the Operations Directorate, effective February 26, 2024.

John began his Federal Public Service career at Parks Canada in 2004 as a Park Interpreter at the Bruce Peninsula National Park as well as the Fathom Five National Marine Park. Before accepting a leadership role in an acting capacity as Field Unit Superintendent, Yukon, in January 2022, John had occupied a variety of positions within Ontario regional operations including: Park Ecologist, Species at Risk Coordinator, Resource Conservation Manager, and Park Manager.

John holds a Bachelor of Arts and Science as well as a master’s in biology from McMaster University.

Please join me in wishing John every success in his new role.

Ron Hallman

President & CEO

#StrongerTogether #ParksCanadaProud


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