Announcement –Appointment of Pierre Martel - Director, National Fire Management Program

Dear Colleagues,

As we witnessed from the 2023 wildfire season, there continues to be an escalation of the frequency and intensity of wildfires that puts enormous pressure on our resources and teams. The wildfire realities that we will face in the future will continue to evolve and this requires that our fire program evolve as well. As such, I would like to announce that I have approved important changes to the organizational structure of the National Fire Management Program that will take effect on April 1, 2024.

This includes the reclassification of the Manager, National Fire Management Program position to a PCX level Director position. This role will be supported by three other managers. I am confident that the establishment of a strong, sustainable management structure will address some of the gaps that we have identified in the past and better position us to address the challenges of the future.

In this regard, I am pleased to announce that following the reclassification of the manager position, Pierre Martel has accepted the appointment to the position Director, National Fire Management Program.

Pierre began his Federal Public Service career at Parks Canada in 2007 as a Park Warden at Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site. Over the course of the following years, he held various roles at Kejimkujik, including Project Coordinator for ecological restoration projects and Visitor Safety and Fire Operations Coordinator, and in La Mauricie National Park as a Fire Technician. He then joined the National Fire Management Program team in 2015 as a National Fire Management Officer, and then as Manager, National Fire Management in 2019. 

Pierre holds a Bachelor of Science with Major in Applied Zoology from McGill University.

To create a strong and sustainable management structure, and address the challenges of the future, other organizational changes will be announced by the program as details become available.

Please join me in wishing Pierre every success in his new role.

Ron Hallman

President & CEO

#StrongerTogether #ParksCanadaProud


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