Historic Places Days 2024: it’s July, let’s celebrate national historic sites across Canada

Dear colleagues,

July is a significant month for historic places nationwide. From July 10 to 17, thousands of Canadians will celebrate Historic Places Days. The occasion highlights historic sites, including national historic sites administered by Parks Canada, across the country. I invite you all to join the celebration, which aims to grow audiences and promote the stewardship of these special places for years to come.

Parks Canada continues to support and collaborate with the National Trust for Canada to encourage Canadians to visit these treasured places. Historic Places Days is an opportunity for the public to discover and share Canada’s diverse places, cultures and stories.

To mark Historic Places Days, I encourage everyone to explore the initiatives by the National Trust for Canada. Have a look at the great video their team came up with, visit their page for more information and download the ready-to-publish content created by the Commemorations and Engagement team. The theme in 2024 is Food & Gardens, an excellent occasion to highlight culinary experiences and historic gardens.

Take this opportunity to share their content and invite friends and family to visit a location during the celebration.

Thank you for all that you do to support our organization’s important work and Happy Historic Places Days, everyone!

Ron Hallman

President & CEO



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