Interim Policy for Garage Suites in the Town of Jasper

Jasper National Park

Article 1.0 Verson

Version number Description of amendment Approved by Approval date Effective date
1.00 Interim Policy for Garage Suites in the Town of Jasper Alan Fehr May 12, 2022 May 2, 2022
1.01 Section 8.06 (c) clarified that the maximum sidewalk distance from front public street to the Garage Suite landing may exceed the maximum 30 metre length with approval from the Jasper Fire Department. Alan Fehr March 10, 2023 April 1, 2023

All changes to this interim policy will be tracked in the table. Version numbers increase incrementally by hundredths (e.g. version 1.01, version 1.02, etc.) for minor changes that do not require a change in interpretation or processes. Major revisions that involve a change in strategic actions or processes are designated with the next whole number (e.g., version 2.0, 3.0, 4.0). Future revisions must be reviewed for clarity and technical soundness.

Article 2.0 Purpose

Section 2.01 The purpose of this Interim Policy is to permit the development of Garage Suites in the Town of Jasper without significantly affecting the built form. By permitting garage suites, this policy aims to:

  1. Provide safe additional housing units; and
  2. Increase the diversity in housing units.

Article 3.0 Scope

Section 3.01 This Interim Policy applies to the development of a Garage Suite in detached Garages in the Town of Jasper.

Section 3.02 This Interim Policy does not apply to an attached Garage as the Town of Jasper Land Use Policy implies living areas above an attached Garage are to be included in the Site Coverage of the Primary building and an ADU above a garage in these instances would be subject to the Interim Policy for Secondary Suites in the Town of Jasper.

Section 3.03 Where conflict exists between this Interim Policy and other policies or plans, the most recent policy applies.

Article 4.0 Context

Section 4.01 Community - In 2013, a community-led group approached Parks Canada with a request to consider secondary suites within the Jasper townsite. Parks Canada, with the Municipality of Jasper, commissioned a consultant to develop a series of deliverables and recommendations to encourage more housing in the community for eligible residents. Public consultation was held in February and March 2019 exploring public interest in a variety of topics including Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs). A What We Heard Report was completed on September 5, 2019. The public was in favour of incorporating ADUs in areas where Site sizes were adequate and building code requirements could be met. Garage Suites are a form of ADU.

Section 4.02 Regulatory & Policy - The Canada National Parks Act (S.C. 2000, c.32) section 16.(1)(m) states the Governor in Council may make regulations respecting…the control of the location, standards, design, materials, construction, maintenance, and removal and demolition of buildings, structures, facilities, signs, and other improvements and the establishment of zones governing uses of land and buildings. Under this, and related authorities, The Town of Jasper Zoning Regulations (C.R.C., c.1111) were created and are currently in the regulatory process of repeal and replacement. In the interim, the Town of Jasper Land Use Policy, hereafter referred to as the “Land Use Policy,” is currently being applied as policy. This Interim Policy applies to Garage Suites only, and will be used in conjunction with the Land Use Policy.

Article 5.0 Expected Results

Section 5.01 This Interim Policy is intended to provided clear understanding for the community of Jasper and Parks Canada of the requirements when assessing and issuing development permits for Garage Suites. This Interim Policy shall be continually reviewed and updated to ensure it achieves its purpose. It shall ultimately provide direction towards formally incorporating Accessory Dwelling Units into the Land Use Policy.

Article 6.0 Definitions

Section 6.01 Capitalized words that are not defined in this Interim Policy are defined in the Land Use Policy.

Section 6.02 The following terms are defined for the purpose of this Interim Policy:

  1. “garage suite” means a self-contained dwelling unit on the same Site as a Primary Dwelling that is located above a detached Garage and has its own kitchen, sleeping, and bathroom facilities; and
  2. “interim policy” means this Interim Policy for Garage Suites in the Town of Jasper.

Article 7.0 General Requirements

Section 7.01 Building Code Conformance - All new construction, be it a new Garage including a Garage Suite or the conversion of a part of an existing Garage into a Garage Suite, shall be in conformance with the current Safety Codes in effect at the time of permit application and not the safety codes at the time the Garage was initially constructed.

Section 7.02 Subdivision – A Garage Suite may not be condominiumized, subdivided from an existing Site, or assigned separately from the primary dwelling through a tenant in common arrangement or otherwise.

Section 7.03 Occupancy - A Garage Suite may only be occupied by eligible residents, as defined in the National Parks of Canada Lease and Licence of Occupation Regulation (SOR/92-25). Garage Suites may not be rented, or made available for, periods less than 30 days.

Article 8.0 Garage Suites

Section 8.01 Permitted Use Districts - Garage Suites, located above detached Garages, shall be a Permitted Use for Sites in the following Districts:

  1. R1 (One-Unit Dwelling District);
  2. R2 (Two-Unit Dwelling District) excluding Parcels CM 1 – 12 (Aspen Close); and
  3. R2H (Old Town Jasper Historic District).

Section 8.02 Garage:

  1. A Garage that does not have a Garage Suite shall adhere to all of the current Land Use Policy requirements for a Garage in the District it is located within; and
  2. A Site that proposes to develop a Garage Suite, subject to the Sections contained in this Interim Policy, shall adhere to the Garage location, minimum setbacks from property lines, and maximum Site Coverage of the District it is located within as stated in the Land Use Policy.

Section 8.03 Development - Sites that propose to develop a Garage Suite shall use the development process as set out in the Land Use Policy and on the Jasper National Park development website.

Section 8.04 Density - A maximum of One (1) Garage Suite per Site shall be permitted.

Section 8.05 Parking – A Garage Suite:

  1. For a Site with back lane, the parking shall be accessed from the back lane
  2. For a Site without back lane access, the parking shall be accessed from the street unless it is a corner Site in which it may be accessed by either the front or side street;
  3. No additional on-site parking shall be required for a Garage Suite as long as the Site has a minimum of One (1) required on-site parking stall for each Dwelling Unit, all in accordance with the Land Use Policy and all interim Accessory Dwelling Unit policies, for the Site.
  4. For Sites without back lane access, the additional on-site parking to accommodate a Garage Suite may be located in the front setback as long as it does not conflict with the required front yard landscaping requirements of the district it is located within.

Section 8.06 Exterior Entrances – A Garage Suite:

  1. May have exterior stairways to the Garage second floor;
  2. If located on a Site with back lane access, neither the exterior entrance nor the unenclosed exterior stairway shall face the back lane;
  3. Shall have an unobstructed hardened (concrete or sidewalk blocks) sidewalk accessible from the front public street to the exterior Garage Suite landing, with a maximum distance of 30 metres (unless exceedance approved by the Municipality of Jasper Fire Department), for emergency service access (amended March 10, 2023); and
  4. Shall have the civic address of the Garage Suite clearly visible at the front of the Site as viewed from the street.

Section 8.07 Garage Suite Height - The maximum overall Garage Suite height to the ridge line as measured from grade is 6.6 metres with a maximum eave line height of 3.5 metres on at least two opposite sides of the Garage Suite.

Section 8.08 Garage Suite Roof Form

  1. The Garage Suite roof form shall respect the Rocky Mountain Architecture, as described in the Jasper Architectural Motif Guidelines, with large steep simple roof forms (minimum 6:12 slope) with upper stories incorporating the use of dormers, however:
    1. Dormers shall not be more than 50% of the building width on either the front or back elevations; or
    2. Dormers shall not be more than 75% of the building width on either side elevation.

Article 9.0 Exemption from the Requirements of this Interim Policy

Section 9.01 In the application of this Interim Policy, it may not always be possible to carry out the requirements. In these instances, approval for a variance from the requirements of this Interim Policy, may be obtained from the Superintendent of Jasper National Park, provided that the requested exemption does not contravene applicable legislation, or the intent of applicable, policy. Application for a variance shall be subject to the variance process stated in the Land Use Policy and on the Jasper National Park variance website.

Section 9.02 The rationale for a variance and the approval shall be documented.

Article 10.0 Monitoring

Section 10.01 Realty and Municipal Services shall monitor this policy and ADUs in Jasper and provide advice and updates to the Superintendent and the Municipality of Jasper. This Interim Garage Suite Policy is subject to amendments or termination at the Superintendent’s discretion.

Section 10.02 This Interim Policy will be reviewed as needed and at a minimum of annually by Parks Canada. It will remain in effect until the review indicates it should be rescinded or it is superseded by a new policy, at which time it will be deemed rescinded.

Article 11.0 Related Legislation, Policies and Guidelines

Section 11.01 Unless explicitly stated otherwise, Garage Suites are subject to all acts, regulations, and policies pertaining to development in the Town of Jasper in effect at the time of application. These requirements may include:

  1. Canada National Parks Act (S.C. 2000, c. 32);
  2. Town of Jasper Zoning Regulations (C.R.C., c. 1111);
  3. National Parks of Canada Lease and Licence of Occupation Regulation (SOR/92-25)
  4. National Parks Building Regulations (C.R.C., c. 1126);
  5. National Building Code of Canada (2015);
  6. National Plumbing Code of Canada (2015);
  7. National Fire Code of Canada (2015);
  8. National Energy Code of Canada for Buildings (2017);
  9. Province of Alberta Safety Codes Act and Regulations thereunder including, but not limited to:
    1. National Building Code – Alberta Edition (2019); and
    2. Alberta Fire Code (2014),
  10. Town of Jasper Land Use Policy;
  11. Architectural Motif Guidelines for the Town of Jasper (1993), as amended (1997);
  12. Design Guidelines for New Development in Old Town Jasper (2005); and
  13. Area Redevelopment Plan for the Jasper Mobile Home District (2004),

All as amended from time to time.

Article 12.0 Approval

Approved by:

Alan Fehr
Field Unit Superintendent
Jasper National Park
Parks Canada

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