
Waterton Lakes National Park

WARNING: Bear in area - Emerald Bay day use area

Issued: July 29, 2024

Special caution is recommended while travelling in this area due to the following:

WHAT: Caution – bear in the area.

WHERE: Emerald Bay Picnic Area

WHY: A bear has obtained human food. The bear has not been aggressive, but has approached people and attempted to obtain food.

For this reason we advise: 

- Do not leave food or garbage unattended.
- Do not approach the bear.
- Keep your vehicle windows fully closed.
- Keep food and smelly items secure in your vehicle.
- Use bear proof garbage cans.
- If you see a bear, don’t run. Tells others nearby. Stay together. Take food to vehicle. Move to the safety of your vehicle.
- Carry bear spray and know how to use it.

Report all bear (carnivore) sightings to 1-888-927-3367 or notify Parks Canada Staff

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