Cultural resource management
The public input period on the Draft 2024 Cultural Resource Management Policy is now closed. Thank you for your feedback. The comments will be taken into consideration as we develop the final draft of the policy.
Once the updated policy is approved, the final version will be posted to this website.
Parks Canada manages a wide variety of cultural resources. Cultural resources bear witness to important aspects of human history, activity, or spirituality. They may be tangible, like a human work, object or place, or intangible such as oral history. Cultural resources are formally recognized to have heritage value.
Protecting and presenting cultural heritage is at the core of Parks Canada’s mandate. Legislation guides management for certain heritage places in Canada. Yet, no comprehensive legislation currently exists to protect national historic sites. The Cultural Resource Management Policy guides Parks Canada in the administration of these sites and other cultural resources under its care.
Cultural Resource Management Policy (2013)
Current policy that took effect on January 1, 2013. Under review.
Guide to the preparation of commemorative integrity statements
Guidance for preparing commemorative integrity statements for national historic sites.
Guidelines for evaluating shipwrecks of national historic significance in Canada
Recommended approach for submitting shipwrecks to the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada.
Standards and guidelines for the conservation of historic places in Canada
Results-oriented guidance for sound decision-making when planning for, intervening on and using historic places.
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