
Conservation reports

How Parks Canada has advanced nature conservation in Canada.

Fighting against forced labour and child labour in supply chains

Access annual reports on how Parks Canada is preventing and reducing the risk of forced labour and child labour in Canadian supply chains.

Parks Canada Departmental Results Report

This report provides a snapshot of Parks Canada’s performance and achievements in the last fiscal year.

The state of Canada's natural and historic places

A summary of the state of cultural heritage programs and the state of natural heritage place establishment.

Five-Year Human Resources Regime Review

The Parks Canada Agency Act requires Parks Canada to develop and apply a set of values and principles in the management of human resources in the Agency....

Parks Canada Fees Report

These reports contain information about the fees Parks Canada has the authority to set in the fiscal year.

Office of Internal Audit and Evaluation

Internal audit reports, audit performance results, evaluation reports.

Report on Public Service Renewal Results

Learn more about this initiative to modernize and transform the Public Service.

Employment equity annual report

Employment equity initiatives undertaken by Parks Canada Agency.

Quarterly financial reports

Parks Canada's quarterly financial reports.

Implementation of Section 41 of the Official Languages Act

The measures outlined in these reports aim to develop and enhance the vitality of official-language minority communities.

Economic impact of Parks Canada

Parks Canada makes a substantial economic contribution to Canada’s economy.

Status on Agency Progress since First Priority, 2008

This progress report provides updates on the implementation of Parks Canada's 2000 Action Plan.

Market research and data analysis of Parks Canada’s real estate portfolio

As part of its regular business, Parks Canada will be engaging a third party to collect information and data on local real estate markets across the...

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