3.0 Appropriate Use

3.0 Appropriate Use

Appropriate uses and activities are defined as those which contribute to the public's appreciation and enjoyment of the historic canals, which respect the heritage character of canal resources, and which are compatible with public safety.

Compatible and appropriate uses of historic canals will be encouraged so that the land and water resources can be enjoyed in all seasons.

The use and operation of historic canals will be managed in accordance with the Historic Canals Regulations.

The intensity, type and location of use of historic canals may be limited by notice or regulation to ensure visitor safety, enjoyment and resource protection.

Regulations necessary for public safety, navigation, and use of cultural and natural resources will be enforced by the appropriate authority.

Water that is surplus to navigation requirements may be used to meet the needs of recreation, wildlife conservation, power generation, municipalities or other appropriate uses in accordance with the Federal Water Policy.

Hydro-electric development proposals on lands administered by Parks Canada may be considered when they are consistent with the protection of cultural and natural resources. Such proposals will be subject to the federal environmental assessment and review process, the Dominion Water Power Regulations, as well as to public consultation.

Leases, licences and permits for use of canal lands or water will specify any limitations to protect cultural resources, environmental quality, public safety, and the enjoyment of other canal users and residents, and will be subject to review under the federal environmental assessment and review process. Commercial operations will be controlled and monitored. Special privileges that would result in unfair competition will not be granted.

New applications for major works or for any significant change in the type or capacity of service offered by a commercial establishment on lands administered by Parks Canada will be subject to the federal environmental assessment and review process, including public consultation.

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