You Are in Bear Country
– wherever you are in the mountain national parks!

Bears are naturally wary of humans, and generally choose to avoid us. However, bears may threaten and even attack people when they become accustomed to humans, when they are surprised, or when they are forced to defend them- selves, their young or their food.
Reduce Your Risk
- Make noise! Let bears know you're there – call out, clap hands, sing or talk loudly – especially near streams, dense vegetation and berry patches, on windy days, and in areas of low visibility.
- Travel in groups, on established paths and trails, and during daylight hours.
- Keep food smells away from bears by properly storing food, garbage and food-related items, day and night, wherever you are. Even empty pet food bowls can attract bears.
- Stay alert, stay alive! Watch for bears in the area and for their sign – tracks, droppings, diggings, torn-up logs, and turned-over rocks. Leave the area if you see fresh sign.
- If you come across large dead animals, leave the area imme- diately and report it to Park Wardens.
- Dispose of fish offal in fast moving streams or the deep part of a lake, never along stream- sides or lakeshores.
- Never approach or feed a bear. Keep a distance of at least 100 metres.
- Report all sightings of bears to park staff.

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