
Aulavik National Park, Ivvavik National Park, Tuktut Nogait National Park and Pingo Canadian Landmark

Northwest Territories

An overview of the NWT research permitting process can be obtained at the Aurora Research Institute (ARI) website. A PDF version of their guide Doing Research in the Western Northwest Territories: a guide for researchers is available for download.

Yukon Territory

An overview of the Yukon Scientific Research Licensing process is available at the>Heritage Branch, Department of Tourism and Culture, Government of Yukon website .

To obtain an overview of the Yukon North Slope’s permitting process, contact the Wildlife Management Advisory Council (North Slope) at for a copy of their Draft Yukon North Slope Research Guide or visit their website at

All of these guides are excellent resource documents and cover topics such as: which permits, licences and review processes apply, where to find funding, how to involve communities in research and monitoring, how to consult with the communities, how to access traditional and local knowledge, how to communicate information to the communities, and ethical conduct.

General Information

Aulavik National Park, Ivvavik National Park, Tuktut Nogait National Park and Pingo Canadian Landmark

  • For more specific information about community consultation and environmental assessment in the western Arctic, please visit the General Information section of the RCPS website. Click on Heritage Area Specific Information and Conditions and select the appropriate park or the Pingo Canadian Landmark from the scroll down menu.

  • Each community in the ISR has a Community Conservation Plan that might be of interest to researchers in preparing their permit applications. These are now available electronically at under “downloads”.

  • A number of cooperative management bodies established through the IFA can provide research contacts and facilitate research in all areas of the ISR.

    1. Wildlife Management Advisory Councils for the Northwest Territories ( ) and Yukon North Slope ( ) can provide guidance and direction for matters related to wildlife management. The Councils also establish research and monitoring priorities and play a large role in the allocation of implementation funding.

    2. The Fisheries Joint Management Committee ( ) advises on the research and management of fisheries and marine mammal resources in the ISR.

Checklist of Research Permits

Aulavik National Park, Ivvavik National Park, Tuktut Nogait National Park and Pingo Canadian Landmark

  1. If you are conducting research and/or collection activities entirely within a Heritage Area you will require:
    • Parks Canada Research/ Collecting Permit
    • Environmental Impact Screening Committee Approval
    • Environmental assessment through CEAA, YESAA or Park Canada’s policy (if required)
    • Documentation to show that any consultative requirements with the appropriate community organization(s) have been fulfilled
  2. If your research and/or collection extends beyond the Heritage Area boundaries, you may need:
    • Wildlife Research Permit (for research on wildlife in the NWT)
    • Yukon Scientists and Explorers License (for research in the Yukon)
    • Approval for archaeological research from the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation and the affected community corporation
    • Archaeologists Permit (issued by the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre (PWNHC) for archaeological work in the NWT)
    • Yukon Archaeological Sites Regulation Permit
    • Scientific Research License (issued by the Aurora Research Institute for research in the NWT)
    • Inuvialuit Land Administration Land Use License. This permit is needed if you are conducting research on private lands within the Inuvialuit Settlement Region. Their website is
    • A permit from the Canadian Wildlife Service if your research involves a species listed in the Species at Risk Act (SARA) or would affect a species listed in SARA.
    • Documentation to show that the appropriate community organization(s) have been contacted and any consultative requirements with the appropriate government bodies and/or community organizations have been fulfilled.

  3. If your research involves migratory birds or takes place in a migratory bird sanctuary, you must also have:
    • Migratory Birds Scientific Permit (issued by the Canadian Wildlife Service)

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