Table of Contents

July 12, 2004

Prepared by: Gary V. Reid

Hay Group

1.0 Executive Summary 


1.1 The Review Mandate


1.2 Approach and Methodology used in the Review


1.3 The Principal Conclusions of this Review

2.0 Introduction 
3.0 Approach and Methodology 


3.1 "Regime" and "Consistency" defined


3.2 A Framework for the Review


3.3 Building the Review Template


3.4 Data Collection

4.0 HR Value: "Competence" 


4.1 "Competence" defined


4.2 Where the Review Team looked for evidence of "Competence"


4.3 What the Review Team found with respect to "Competence"

5.0 HR Value: "Respect" 


5.1 "Respect" defined


5.2 Where the Review Team looked for evidence of "Respect"


5.3 What the Review Team found with respect to "Respect"

6.0 HR Value: "Fairness" 


6.1 "Fairness" defined


6.2 Where the Review Team looked for evidence of "Fairness"


6.3 What the Review Team found with respect to "Fairness"

7.0 HR Operating Principles 


7.1 Accountability


7.2 Efficiency


7.3 Effectiveness


7.4 Consistency


7.5 Adaptability


7.6 Simplicity


7.7 Openness



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