
Long Description: Parks Canada’s Strategic Outcome and Program Alignment Architecture

This figure presents a graphic of Parks Canada’s Strategic Outcome and Program Alignment Architecture.

Parks Canada has one strategic outcome as follows: Canadians have a strong sense of connection, through meaningful experiences, to their national parks, national historic sites and national marine conservation areas and these protected places are enjoyed in ways that leave them unimpaired for present and future generations. Linked to this strategic outcome are six programs and their related sub and sub sub programs.

Program 1: Heritage Places Establishment. 4 sub programs are included: National Park Establishment and Expansion, National Historic Site Designations, National Marine Conservation Area Establishment, Other Heritage Places Designations.

Program 2: Heritage Resources Conservation. 4 sub programs are included: National Parks Conservation, National Historic Sites Conservation, National Marine Conservation Areas Sustainability, and Other Heritage Places Conservation. Under National Parks Conservation there is the following sub sub program: Species at Risk. Under Other Heritage Places Conservation, there is the following sub sub program, National Historic Sites Cost-Sharing.

Program 3: Public Appreciation and Understanding. 2 sub programs are included: Public Outreach Education and External Communications, and Stakeholder and Partner Engagement.

Program 4: Visitor Experience. 7 sub programs are included: Market Research and Promotion, National Parks Interpretation, National Parks Visitor Service Offer, National Historic Sites Interpretation, National Historic Sites Visitor Service Offer, National Marine Conservation Areas Interpretation, National Marine Conservation Areas Visitor Service Offer. Under National Parks Visitor Service Offer, there is the following sub sub program: Visitor Safety.

Program 5: Townsite and Throughway Infrastructure. 3 sub programs are included: Townsite Management, Through Highway Management, and Through Waterway Management.

Program 6: Internal Services. 3 sub programs are included: Governance and Management Support, Resource Management Services, Asset Management Services.

Under Governance and Management Support there are the 3 following sub sub programs: Management and Oversight, Communications, Legal. Under Resource Management Services there are the 5 following sub sub programs: Human Resources Management Services, Financial Management, Information Management, Information Technology, Travel and Other Administrative Services. Under Asset Management Services, there are the 3 following sub sub programs: Real Property, Materiel, and Acquisition. The internal services programs apply to all federal government departments and agencies.

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