
Parks Canada's Departmental Performance Reports


Subsequent to tabling in Parliament and online publication of the 2013-14 Departmental Performance Report, the following transcription errors were noted in the French PDF version of the report:

Section 1: Budgetary Performance Summary for Strategic Outcome(s) and Program(s) Table

For Heritage Resources Conservation, the 2013-14 Main Estimates should have read $157,140,717 instead of $157,193,527.

For Visitor Experience, the 2012-13 Actual Spending should have read $239,572,389 instead of $239,572.

For Townsite and Throughway Infrastructure,

  • the 2013-14 Total Authorities available for use should have read $164,264,871 instead of $729,743,248;
  • the 2013-14 Actual Spending should have read $118,681,423 instead of $594,650,040;
  • the 2012-13 Actual Spending should have read $91,782,776 instead of $545,000,849; and
  • the 2011-12 Actual Spending should have read $104,365,103 instead of $593,071,073.

Section II: Analysis of Program(s) by Strategic Outcome

Financial Resources Table for Sub-Program 1.1.3 – The table headings should have read:

  • "Dépenses prévues 2013-2014" instead of "Prévu 2013-2014";
  • "Dépenses réelles 2013-2014" instead of "Réel 2013-2014"; and
  • "Écart (dépenses réelles moins dépenses prévues) 2013-2014" instead of "Écart (nombre réel moins nombre prévu) 2013-2014".

Financial Resources Table for Sub-Program 1.2

  • The first table heading should have read "Budget principal des dépenses 2013-2014" instead of "Total des dépenses budgétaires 2013-2014".
  • The fiscal year in the second, third and fourth table headings should have read "2013-2014" instead of "2013-14".
  • The last table heading should have read "Écart (dépenses réelles moins dépenses prévues) 2013-2014" instead of "Écart (nombre réel moins nombre prévu) 2013-14".

Variance Explanation for Sub-Program 1.5.3 – An "s" has been added to the word "navigable" in the first sentence.

Human Resources Table for Internal Services – The table headings should have read:

  • "Prévu 2013-2014" instead of "2013-14 Planned";
  • "Réel 2013-2014" instead of "2013-14 Actual"; and
  • "Écart (nombre réel moins nombre prévu) 2013-2014 " instead of "2013-14 Difference (actual minus planned)".

The French PDF version of the 2013-14 Departmental Performance Report has been revised to include these corrections.

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