
2014-15 Departmental Performance Report

Long Description for Agency Spending Trend Graph

This bar graph shows actual spending for the fiscal years 2012-13 to 2014-15, and planned spending for the fiscal years 2015-16 to 2017-18.

For 2012-13, actual spending was $630,547,000. Of this amount, $173,265,000 was statutory spending and $457,282,000 was voted spending.

For 2013-14, actual spending was $690,942,000. Of this amount, $167,091,000 was statutory spending and $523,851,000 was voted spending.

For 2014-15, actual spending was $721,800,000. Of this amount, $165,239,000 was statutory spending and $556,561,000 was voted spending.

For 2015-16, planned spending is $1,117,623,000. Of this amount, $170,261,000 is statutory spending and $947,362,000 is voted spending.

For 2015-16, planned spending if sunsetting funds in the amount of $4,885,000 are renewed is $1,122,508,000.

For 2016-17, planned spending is $1,159,042,000. Of this amount, $170,100,000 is statutory spending and $988,942,000 is voted spending.

For 2016-17, planned spending if sunsetting funds in the amount of $8,501,000 are renewed is $1,167,543,000.

For 2017-18, planned spending is $1,211,081,000. Of this amount, $170,128,000 is statutory spending and $1,040,953,000 is voted spending.

For 2017-18, planned spending if sunsetting funds in the amount of $7,532,000 are renewed is $1,218,613,000.

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