Parks Canada Agency's Forward Regulatory Plan: October 1, 2018 to September 30, 2020

Regulations Amending the National Parks of Canada Wilderness Area Declaration Regulations (Riding Mountain National Park, La Mauricie National Park, Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site and Prince Edward Island National Park)

Description of the objective

Enabling Act: Canada National Parks Act - Sub-section 14 (1)

Under the Act, any area of a national park or a national park reserve that exists in a natural state or that is capable of returning to a natural state may by regulation, be declared to be a wilderness area. The Minister may not authorize activities to be carried out in a wilderness area that are likely to impair the wilderness character of the area. Development and use that is inconsistent with the wilderness character is prohibited.

The proposed Regulations would add new wilderness areas in the following four national parks: Riding Mountain National Park (Manitoba), La Mauricie National Park (Quebec), Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site (Nova Scotia) and Prince Edward Island National Park (Prince Edward Island).

Indication of business impacts

There are no expected business impacts.

Public consultation opportunities

Public consultations about the proposed wilderness areas were held during the development of the management plans for the four national parks between 2007 and 2013. Members of Indigenous groups and communities located in or surrounding the national parks were included in all consultations.

The proposed amendments will be published in the Canada Gazette, Part I. Target date for publication is fall 2018.

Departmental contact

Director, Policy, Legislative and Cabinet Affairs
Strategy and Plans Directorate
Telephone: 1-888-773-8888

National Parks of Canada Wild Animal Regulations

Description of the objective

Enabling Act: Canada National Parks Act - Sub-section 16 (1)

Parks Canada is proposing National Parks of Canada Wild Animal Regulations to replace the current National Parks Wildlife Regulations. The National Parks of Canada Wildlife Regulations were developed in 1981 before the establishment of most national parks in northern Canada, and do not take into account economic commitments made under land claim agreements or increased visitation to northern parks where the risk of polar bear encounters is high.

The proposed amendments to the Regulations would:

  1. Enhance protection of all wild animals and their dwelling places;
  2. Respect obligations under various land claim agreements, impact and benefit agreements or park establishment agreements; and
  3. Enhance visitor safety in national parks where polar bears are present by establishing certain categories of park users authorized to carry and use firearms for self-protection and the protection of others from bears.

Indication of business impacts

There may be business impacts. The "One-for-One" Rule and/or the Small Business Lens may apply.

Public consultation opportunities

During 2011, extensive consultations were held with key stakeholders across Canada and communities in Nunavut, the Northwest Territories, the Yukon, Labrador and northern Manitoba. The public was also invited to provide on-line comments through a Parks Canada consultation website.

There will be further opportunity for consultation on the proposed amendments after publication in the Canada Gazette, Part I. These consultations are anticipated to occur during the 2018-2020 time period.

Target date for publication in the Canada Gazette, Part I is spring 2019.

Departmental contact

Director, Policy, Legislative and Cabinet Affairs
Strategy and Plans Directorate
Telephone: 1-888-773-8888

Land Use Management Regulations

Description of the objective

Enabling Act: Canada National Parks Act - Sub-section 16 (1)

The four major national parks regulations that govern the standards and processes for construction in national parks (National Parks Building Regulations, National Parks of Canada Cottages Regulations, National Parks Signs Regulations, and Town of Jasper Zoning Regulations) need to be updated to reflect current national building standards and to ensure consistency with comparable processes elsewhere in Canada. The Land Use Management Regulations would consolidate provisions of the existing regulations.

The proposed Regulations would improve the review and permitting process for building proposals in national parks and bring these in line with national building codes and safety standards.

Indication of business impacts

There may be business impacts. The "One-for-One" Rule and/or the Small Business Lens may apply.

Public consultation opportunities

Parks Canada will seek input from interested Canadians on the proposed Regulations. Consultations will include communications with key stakeholders and meetings in park communities. The public will also be invited to provide comments on-line through a Parks Canada consultation website. These consultations are anticipated to occur during the 2018-2020 time period.

The proposed Regulations will be published in the Canada Gazette, Part I for a 60-day comment period. The target date for publication is spring 2019.

Departmental contact

Director, Policy, Legislative and Cabinet Affairs
Strategy and Plans Directorate
Telephone: 1-888-773-8888

Regulations Amending the National Parks of Canada Fishing Regulations

Description of the objective

Enabling Act: Canada National Parks Act - Sub-section 16 (1)

Amendments to the Regulations are required periodically to reflect changes in the aquatic ecosystem and conservation strategies to maintain sustainable populations of fish species in national parks. Amendments are also required to update technical terms and reflect the establishment of new national parks and obligations in new park establishment agreements.

Indication of business impacts

There are no expected business impacts.

Public consultation opportunities

Parks Canada will be seeking input from interested Canadians on the proposed Regulations. Consultations will include communications with key stakeholders and opportunities for the public to comment on-line through a Parks Canada consultation website.

The proposed amendments will be published in the Canada Gazette, Part I. Target date for publication is winter 2019.

Departmental contact

Director, Policy, Legislative and Cabinet Affairs
Strategy and Plans Directorate
Telephone: 1-888-773-8888

Ministerial Orders to Protect Critical Habitat on Lands under Parks Canada Agency's Management not described in the Canada National Parks Act

Description of the objective

Enabling Act: Species at Risk Act, 2002 (SARA)

Critical habitat is the habitat necessary for the survival or recovery of a listed endangered, threatened or extirpated species on Schedule 1 of SARA. SARA requires that the critical habitat of all listed species, when found on federal lands, be legally protected against destruction within 180 days after it is identified in a finalized SARA recovery strategy or action plan.

From time to time, Parks Canada will make Ministerial Orders to protect critical habitat on lands that are under the Agency's authority, but that are not described under the Canada National Parks Act.

Indication of business impacts

There may be business impacts. The "One-for-One" and/or the Small Business Lens may apply.

Public consultations opportunities

The recovery documents that identify critical habitat are prepared in cooperation with affected decision makers (e.g., other departments, provincial, territorial and First Nation governments) and in consultation with landowners and other directly affected persons (e.g., municipal governments, lease holders).

Parks Canada will consult with Indigenous groups and key stakeholders in the development of Ministerial Orders before and after publication in the Canada Gazette, Part I. These consultations are anticipated to occur during the 2018-2020 time period. The nature and extent of consultations will depend upon the cultural significance of the species and the potential economic impact the designation and protection of critical habitat could have upon activities in national parks.

The proposed Ministerial Orders will be published in the Canada Gazette, Part I. The requirements for putting forward a Ministerial Order for protecting critical habitat are set out in the enabling legislation. As the files are ongoing, target dates for publication follow legislative requirements following the identification of critical habitat.

Departmental contact

Director, Policy, Legislative and Cabinet Affairs
Strategy and Plans Directorate
Telephone: 1-888-773-8888

National Marine Conservation Areas General Regulations

Description of the objective

Enabling Act: Canada National Marine Conservation Areas Act, 2002

New general regulations for marine conservation areas under the Canada National Marine Conservations Areas Act would provide clear requirements and expectations for the management of marine conservation areas; including with respect to: issuing permits, leases and licenses; the protection of ecosystems and elements of ecosystems; protection of cultural resources; and restricting or prohibiting activities for conservation or public safety purposes.

Indication of business impacts

There may be business impacts. The "One-for-One" Rule and/or the Small Business Lens may apply.

Public consultation opportunities

Parks Canada will seek input from interested Canadians on the proposed Regulations. Consultations will include communications with key stakeholders in marine conservation area communities.

The proposed amendments will be published in the Canada Gazette, Part I. Target date for publication is fall 2020.

Departmental contact

Director, Policy, Legislative and Cabinet Affairs
Strategy and Plans Directorate
Telephone: 1-888-773-8888

Heritage Wreck Regulations

Description of the objective

Enabling Act: Canada Shipping Act, 2001

The Canada Shipping Act, 2001 authorizes the Minister responsible for Parks Canada and the Minister of Transport to jointly recommend the making of regulations respecting the protection and preservation of wrecks that have heritage value. There is currently no legal protection at the federal level for heritage wrecks in Canadian waters.

The proposed regulations would provide legal protection for heritage wrecks in all Canadian waters and would:

  1. Define wrecks that have heritage value;
  2. Exempt heritage wrecks from salvage;
  3. Define permitting requirements for activities directed at heritage wreck; and
  4. Authorize the designation of enforcement officers and specify their powers.

Indication of business impacts

There may be business impacts. The "One-for-One" Rule and/or the Small Business Lens may apply.

Public consultation opportunities

Parks Canada will seek input from interested Canadians on the proposed Regulations through public consultations to be held in 2018. Consultations will include communications with the Provinces / Territories and key stakeholders, and opportunities for the public to comment on-line through a Parks Canada consultation website.

There will be further opportunity for consultation on the proposed regulations following pre-publication in the Canada Gazette, Part I. Target date for pre-publication in the Canada Gazette, Part I is fall 2018.

Departmental contact

Director, Policy, Legislative and Cabinet Affairs
Strategy and Plans Directorate
Telephone: 1-888-773-8888

Miscellaneous Amendment Regulations to Address Concerns of the Standing Joint Committee for the Scrutiny of Regulations

Description of the objectives

Enabling Act: Canada National Parks Act, 2000

On an ongoing basis, the Standing Joint Committee for the Scrutiny of Regulations reviews Parks Canada regulations for errors, omissions, discrepancies, and Official Language concordance. Issues identified by the Committee are brought to the attention of the Parks Canada Agency and amendments to the regulations will be made, as deemed necessary, to address the recommendations of the Committee.

The purpose of the Miscellaneous Amendment Regulations to Address Concerns of the Standing Joint Committee for the Scrutiny of Regulations is to make clarifications and corrections to provisions within existing regulations and to make the links between sections of various regulations more apparent. They are also intended to clarify and facilitate the interpretation of Parks Canada regulations in order to ensure sound management of protected heritage places.

Indication of business impacts

There are no expected business impacts.

Public consultation opportunities

These amendments to the regulations would not be controversial and are generally “housekeeping” in nature, addressing items identified by the Standing Joint Committee for the Scrutiny of Regulations. No public consultation on the proposals under the Miscellaneous Amendment Regulations to Address Concerns of the Standing Joint Committee for the Scrutiny of Regulations are required.

The proposed amendments will be published in the Canada Gazette, Part II. As the Committee’s work is ongoing, target dates for publication are to be determined.

Departmental contact

Director, Policy, Legislative and Cabinet Affairs
Strategy and Plans Directorate
Telephone: 1-888-773-8888

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