Fathom Five National Marine Park
Fathom Five offers some of the best freshwater diving opportunities in the world. Clear, clean water, submerged geological formations (cliffs, caves, overhangs) and more than 20 historical shipwrecks offer a variety of underwater experiences. Everyone, from the novice snorkeller to the most advanced diving enthusiast, can find lots to explore and enjoy within the park.
Diver Registration:All divers must register and purchase a dive pass prior to diving from the Visitor Centre or the dive shop in downtown Tobermory. No registration or permit is required to snorkel.
Dive Sites
Harbour Area
Rules, Regulations, and Diving Safety Recommendations
Dive Sites
5. CHINA (Two-masted schooner) Length: originally 38.1 m (124 ft) then lengthened to 41.8 m (137 ft)
Depth: maximum 3 m (10 ft)
Wrecked on China Reef in November 1883, it is badly broken up. The main portion is close to shore; the rudder is about 100 m (330 ft) northwest of the main wreckage.
6. AVALON VOYAGEUR II (Motor ship) Length: 41.2 m (135 ft) Depth: maximum depth 8 m (25 ft)
The Avalon served in the Newfoundland fish trade for 30 years and was then used as a floating restaurant in Kincardine. In October 1980, while on a relocation trip to Owen Sound, she was stranded and subsequently burned by vandals. Only the bottom portion remains but there is quite a bit of machinery.
7. CASCADEN (Schooner) Depth: maximum 6 m (20 ft)
Wrecked in October 1871, the vessel is badly broken up and spread over a large area.
8. JOHN WALTERS (Two-masted schooner) Length: 32.9 m (108 ft) Depth: 5 m (15 ft)
Wrecked in November 1883, limited wreckage remains. Look for heavy keelson and centreboard box and glacial scours.
9. W. L. WETMORE (Steamer) Length: 65.1 m (213.7 ft) Depth: 7 m (24 ft)
Wrecked during a storm in November 1901. Look for the impressive boiler, anchor, chain and rudder. Interesting bedrock features and a large amount of timber.
10. NEWAYGO (Steam barge) Length: 59.7 m (196 ft) Depth: maximum 8 to 20 m (25 to 65 ft) - second section
Wrecked in November 1903, the main portion lies flat on the bottom. Look for the massive timbers used during construction. The site’s open conditions require suitable weather.
Length: 53.4 m (175 ft) Depth: 7 to 30 m (25 to 95 ft)
Wrecked while under tow by the Wetmore in November 1901. The rudder may be found in the shallows near the bowpost.
12. PHILO SCOVILLE (Three-masted schooner)
Length: 42.5 m (139 ft 6 in) Depth: 7 to 30 m (25 to 95 ft)
Wrecked during a storm in October 1889. The bow, including the bowsprit, can be found at the deeper depths and the anchors are located about 30 m (100 ft) east of the main wreckage.
13. TRUELLEN (Yacht) Length: 12 m (40 ft) Depth: 16.7 m (55 ft)
Wrecked on the Greenfield Shoal in 1972. It was salvaged but later found to be too badly damaged and towed out to the channel between Cove and North Otter Islands for use as a dive site.
14. POINTS WEST (Wooden guide boat) Lenth: 9.7 m (32 ft) Depth: 15 m (50 ft)
Located 100 m east of Harbour Island on the southwest side of Cove Island. This boat was deliberately sunk in 15m (50 ft) of water as a recreational dive site in 1984.
15. CHARLES P. MINCH (Three-masted schooner) Length: 47.2 m (154.7 ft) Depth: 6 to 16 m (20 to 50 ft)
The Minch was driven onto the rocks in October 1898. The wreck is spread over Tecumseh Cove, Cove Island. The main wreckage is found close to shore near the head of the cove. Look for the portions of two rudders.
The second (situated west of the inner mooring buoy) is likely from the schooner Tecumseh, which was wrecked in the area in 1882. The Tecumseh was 33.8 m (111 ft) long.
16. UNIDENTIFIED WRECK Depth: maximum 21 m (66 ft)
Sections of wreckage strewn over a distance of 120 m at a depth between 15 and 21 m. Site includes the remains of three hull sections, the centreboard trunk as well as the board, plus the rudder. Look for the many interesting and unusual structural features.
17. ARABIA (Three-masted barque) Length: 40.1 m (131.6 ft) Depth: maximum 33.5 m (110 ft)
Foundered off Echo Island in October 1884. The wreck is in good condition. The bow section with bowsprit, windlass and anchors, is particularly impressive. This site is only recommended for advanced diving groups. There may be strong currents, take weather conditions into consideration.
18. FOREST CITY (Barge later converted to a steamer) Length: 66 m (216.7 ft) Depth: 18 to 46 m (60 to 150 ft)
In June 1904, this ship sank after hitting the east side of Bears Rump Island. The bow lies at about 18 m (60 ft) while the stern is at 46 m (150 ft).
19. THE CAVES Depth: The submerged grotto entrance is 6 m (20 ft) deep.
Located along the Georgian Bay shoreline about 19 km (12 mi) east of Tobermory. Look for the hidden passages leading from inside the Grotto to the open waters of Georgian Bay. Diving access via boat from Tobermory.
20. CAROLINE ROSE (Schooner) Length: 39.6 m (132 ft) Maximum depth: 16.5 m (55 ft)
The Caroline Rose was towed to Driftwood Cove on the Georgian Bay Shore by the Tobermory Marine Association and sunk as a dive site in 1990. Located outside the park, there are a variety of tools and fittings on site including an impressive stem, rudder and propeller.
21. NIAGARA II (Sandsucker) Length: 5.5 m (182 ft) Depth: 28 m (90 ft)
Deliberately sunk by the Tobermory Maritime Association in May 1999 as a dive site. Located outside the park, look for commemorative plaques and lots of machinery.
Interesting geological formations, including good examples of “pitting”. A wooden-stocked anchor and chain lie just off the point about 18 m (60 ft) of water.
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