Activities and experiences

Lake Superior National Marine Conservation Area

It’s hard to choose from among the area’s many exciting activities! Swim, hike, explore by boat or kayak - in every case, this is a spectacular region of natural wonders!


    Guided Activities 

    Nature, science, art, history, stories... we've got you covered, and it's all about Lake Superior. Come out to our guided programs!

  • Two people with binoculars. 

    Train your binoculars during the height of spring migration and your life list will fill as quickly as you can write!

  • Three people fishing from a boat. 

    There’s a fish waiting for you on Lake Superior!

  • Two people using GPS units. 

    Geocaching is a fun and rewarding outdoor adventure that combines hiking and treasure hunting.

  • Three people standing on a platform overlooking Lake Superior. 

    Let a truly Great Lake take your breath away.

  • Two people in a tandem kayak. 

    Explore the many coves, bays and inlets of the Lake Superior National Marine conservation area by sea-kayak.

  • A person sitting in a red chair, looking at a lighthouse. 
    Red chairs 

    Explore the trails today and find your red chair experience!

  • A sailboat on Lake Superior. 

    View columnar basalts and archways, visit the site of the sunken Gunilda and discover the Slate Islands, Rossport Islands and Battle Island.

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