Happy holidays, joyeuses fêtes, minawaangozwin

Lake Superior National Marine Conservation Area

The gathering of ice and snow on the shores of Lake Superior marks the holiday season in northern Ontario. It’s also a time when we gather together to celebrate the past year, and begin to plan for the next. The Parks Canada places in Northern Ontario have many achievements to celebrate from 2018—achievements that would not have been possible without the continued support from people like you.

At Fort St. Joseph, collaborations with partners resulted in several successful events, some of which were new this year, such as the Shot of History program showcasing rum and muskets. The Sault Ste. Marie Canal is celebrating the restoration of the Stores Building, with several more exciting infrastructure projects still underway, including the Powerhouse building. As for the future, the marine conservation area on Lake Superior will be hosting youth from across the country as part of the Ocean Bridge program this spring, while Pukaskwa’s reservation system for their new oTENTiks opens January 15th for the 2019 season.

As we celebrate and come together over the coming weeks, we would like to thank you for your continued support of Parks Canada and our projects, programs and services across northern Ontario. We wish you and your families happy holidays, and a bright and healthy new year.


Terrie Dionne

Acting Field Unit Superintendent

Parks Canada – Northern Ontario

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