Shaping my future
Lake Superior National Marine Conservation Area
By Violet Davies
As a kid, I was always outside playing, climbing trees, and exploring the forests of my hometown. I loved being outside and experiencing the wilderness. As I got older, I noticed forests disappearing, litter accumulating, and a general mistreatment of the land. So, I decided I needed to do my part in preserving Canada’s natural beauty.
I began cleaning up the streets of my hometown. I filled garbage bag after garbage bag with all kinds of litter I saw collecting in ditches. With help from my mom, I wrote a letter to the mayor advocating for a recycling program. My concerns were heard, and a recycling program was implemented that is still running to this day. These small actions helped me realize that I CAN make a difference in conserving this planet. This love I had for being outdoors began to grow into something larger, something that made me eventually apply to Parks Canada while still in high school, and continues to fuel this passion of mine.
I applied for a student position on the Resource Conservation team at Lake Superior National Marine Conservation Area in 2022. That summer, I travelled between Red Rock, Nipigon, Rossport, and Terrace Bay conducting creel surveys. I would speak to anglers about where they fished, what they caught, how long they were out, etc. I even took part in a shoreline cleanup after Canada Day weekend while working in Terrace Bay. I spent my first season working with Parks Canada outside, exploring new places, meeting new people, and contributing to the conservation of Canadian wildlife.
In 2023, I was re-hired for the same student position on the Resource Conservation team, but with new responsibilities. I was able to experience and learn about so many new aspects of the ecosystems around me, such as how to identify fish and crayfish species, as well as various plant species. I took part in fyke netting to capture aquatic invasive species, deployed zebra mussel samplers by canoe, and helped with removing invasive phragmites, a fast-spreading wetland grass that can greatly hinder the growth of native plants. I was able to relive experiences I had when I was young, like exploring uncut forests, climbing over moss covered bedrock, and experiencing the thrills and splashes of Lake Superior’s waves while travelling on the Parks Canada Coaster boat to fieldwork locations.
My experience at Parks Canada reignited my passion for the conservation of Canada’s beautiful wilderness. This job allowed me to learn in ways that always kept me interested. Through firsthand experiences, it prepared me for my future studies of environmental sciences. Thanks to Parks Canada, I’m ready to learn more about how to conserve and protect the natural beauty of our planet for future generations.
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