2010-2011 Parks Canada Agency Corporate Plan
Chief Executive Officer’s Message

This Corporate Plan is very special because it marks the celebration of more than one century of heritage conservation leadership in the world and 125 years of national parks. Every year, as I reflect on the challenges and opportunities ahead to set goals for the Agency, I reflect on how far we have come since the last Corporate Plan. For this special issue, I take stock of how far we’ve progressed since the establishment of Banff National Park 125 years ago, and the creation of what would become Parks Canada 100 years ago.
We have come a long way since the establishment of Banff National Park, where for decades, the Stoney First Nation was excluded from the park’s boundaries. Today, no park establishment would be conceivable without the support, collaboration and involvement of Aboriginal peoples. In fact, it is Aboriginal peoples themselves who are the driving force behind the creation of many of the protected spaces, including Nahanni National Park Reserve and Saoyú and Æehdacho National Historic Site.
We have seen a similar evolution since the creation of the first national park service in the world, created in 1911 to provide opportunities for Canadians to enjoy the rich, diverse, and vast wild spaces that make our country so unique. Although our core raison-d’être has not changed, we have grown to include historic places in our stewardship role. Canada’s natural and historic places are both unique and irreplaceable, and they are both equally vital in helping future generations understand their roots as they plan their future.
The model of Parks Canada has evolved since its creation from a time when we believed we could do everything ourselves. Parks Canada has had consistently through its history passionate Canadians as employees and today, Parks Canada also has passionate Canadians who partner with us in all of our programs and activities.
Both the 125th anniversary of Banff National Park and the celebration of the 100th anniversary of Parks Canada will be an opportunity to recognize the great Canadians who had the foresight to provide a great gift to future generations and led our nation in building the national dream of having Canada’s nature protected and celebrated. Today, almost one hundred years after its creation, Parks Canada’s network of national parks, national historic sites and national marine conservation areas has become symbolic of our national identity and is recognized internationally as the greatest among the great.
On the eve of these celebrations, I take the opportunity to underline the expertise, the passion and the team spirit shared by all Parks Canada employees. With this strong team, and with the invaluable help of our partners and stakeholders, the Parks Canada Agency is better equipped than ever to care for Canada’s national parks, national historic sites and national marine conservation areas in ways that ensure their presence into the future for our children and grandchildren to enjoy.
Paper copy signed by
Alan LatourelleChief Executive Officer
Parks Canada Agency
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