Element 04 – Cathcart Tower, Cedar Island

Cathcart Tower on Cedar Island
Cathcart Tower on Cedar Island. Deadman Bay lies between Cedar Island and Point Henry.
© Parks Canada

Cathcart Tower is located on Cedar Island, which is within St. Lawrence Islands National Park of Canada. This limestone tower, built in 1848, is 11 m high and 16,5 m in diameter. It is surrounded by a shallow ditch and by a glacis extending to the shorelines on three sides. The guns of Cathcart Tower covered the eastern approaches of Kingston Harbour. The tower is part of the Kingston Fortifications National Historic Site of Canada and is classified as a CRM1 resource.

Cathcart Tower
The Martello tower and associated fortifications.
© Parks Canada

< Element 03 -
Fort Frederick, Kingston
  Element 05 -
Shoal Tower, Kingston


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