3. Protection and Presentation of the Site

Although Manoir Papineau and its outbuildings – with the exception of the tea pavilion – are in a fair state of conservation, and the integrity of these buildings has not been seriously compromised, work must be done to halt the process of deterioration. Measures should also have been taken to convert the manor house from the residence it once was to its present status as a public building so that it would meet strict fire protection and public safety standards while at the same time fulfilling the functional requirements of its new vocation. Conversion of the manor house and, one might say, the entire site, had already been begun by the Seigniory Club. As mentioned earlier, some of these interventions have altered the integrity of the manor as it appeared at the end of the period it was occupied by the Papineau family.

Furthermore, even if the site already attracts numerous visitors (15,463 in 2004, for example), improvements and landscaping work will need to be done in order to tap the site's considerable potential, so that visitors get a better appreciation of its heritage value and have an even more enriching experience.

Because of the heritage value of the site, and the magnitude and complexity of the project at hand, completion of presentation work will require a substantial investment. Given that the original budget allocated for the project will not cover all costs anticipated, it is to be expected that the project will be carried out in phases over a number of years, as funding becomes available.

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