Student Experience Survey

Attention, Parks Canada students!

Have you completed the survey yet?

Students can fill out the survey by clicking on the following link:

The Student Experience Survey (SES) is an online questionnaire for all student employees hired through a student program, including:

  • the Federal Student Work Experience Program (FSWEP),
  • the Post-secondary Co-operative Education and Internship Program (CO-OP/Internship),
  • the Research Affiliate Program (RAP), and any other student program during the summer of 2024.

 The survey asks questions on eight topics:

  • Application and recruitment process
  • First few weeks on the job
  • Work experience
  • Work environment
  • Workplace well-being
  • Accommodation measures
  • Working in the Public Service
  • Pay

The survey is done once a year, in the summer, to gather feedback from students on what the Public Service as a whole, and Parks Canada specifically, can do better to ensure students have a positive work experience, so they are inspired to seek a career with the Government of Canada!

Confidentiality and privacy


The survey is administered by the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat.

The Privacy Act protects survey responses. The data that is collected, compiled and released cannot be traced back to individual respondents.

To protect peoples’ identities and keep their answers confidential:

  • responses are grouped together so they can’t be attributed to an individual
  • if there are fewer than 10 respondents for a question, the data isn’t published
  • individual responses are never published or shared with Parks Canada

Privacy statement

The information you provide is collected under the authority of the Financial Administration Act and will be protected in accordance with the Privacy Act. Because survey responses are not attributed to any one individual, you will not be able to access or correct information you have submitted. If you have any privacy concerns, please contact the TBS Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator by email at or the Office of the Privacy Commissioner.

Trends and insights to help Parks Canada

When Parks Canada receives the SES results from Treasury Board, results are analyzed to identify key trends and insights. These key trends and insights are then presented and discussed with senior executives, the HREW directorate, and other groups.  Decisions are then taken to maintain practices that are having a positive impact on the student work experience, as well as to act on what can be done to improve it.

How has student feedback improved the student work experience at Parks Canada?

  • It has helped Parks Canada better promote its student opportunities to students
  • It has improved the recruitment and hiring process students go through
  • It has strengthened the student orientation process
  • It has improved the way Parks communicates to its student population
  • It has helped ensure that all students are provided with meaningful learning opportunities and experiences at Parks Canada.

Contact information

If you have any questions or comments related to the Student Experience Survey, please contact us at



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