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Founded in 1882, the Bar U Ranch in Alberta was once one of Canada’s largest ranching operations.
It was designated a national historic site in 1989
Bar U Ranch is the only national historic site that commemorates the importance of ranching in Canada
Many of the site’s original buildings still stand
Parks Canada began restoration work on some of these buildings in 2016
Including the Workhorse Barn
The Workhorse Barn was built between 1883 and 1892
It is one of the earliest and largest log structures at the Bar U Ranch
The barn was critical to operations due to the ranch’s dependence on horsepower
The Workhorse Barn is designated as a classified Federal Heritage Building
This is the same designation as the Parliament Buildings in Ottawa
In May 2020, Parks Canada moved the Workhouse Barn off its foundation
It took two days to lift the barn and move it to the side
This allowed important restoration work to be carried out
In July 2020, the barn was moved back onto its new foundation
This project required five years of preparation by architects, engineers, historians and cultural resource experts
The restored barn includes a new foundation, floor, logs and paint
Restoring these buildings preserves the history of ranching in Canada
For future generations to enjoy
Come experience old-style ranching for yourself!
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