© Scott Munn / Parks Canada
Site management
Rocky Mountain House National Historic Site
Statement of Commemorative Intent
Rocky Mountain House is of national historic significance because of its role in the historic fur trade; its association with David Thompson and exploration towards the westward; and its relationship with the Blackfoot peoples (Nitsitapi), particularly the Peigan (Pikani).
Proceedings of the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada - for Rocky Mountain House National Historic Site
May 1926:
The Board adopted the following resolution:
That Rocky Mountain House, on the North Saskatchewan, be declared a site of national importance in view of its connection with early trade, discovery and exploration towards the westward, and that further action be deferred until the next meeting of the Board.
May 1927:
The Board approved the inscription to be used on a plaque marking the site:
Built in 1799 by the Northwest Company. David Thompson wintered here in 1800-1, 1801-2, 1806-7 and from here he set out in 1807 for the discovery of the Columbia River. It was for over fifty years the most westerly and the most southerly post in the Blackfeet country and remained in operation till 1875.
The Board recommended that a national Historic Park be established at Rocky Mountain House to incorporate all three Rocky Mountain House sites, and to interpret three major themes: the fur trade, David Thompson and the role of the Peigan.
Management Plan for Rocky Mountain House National Historic Site
The Purpose of the Management Plan
Canada's national historic sites reflect our rich and varied past. The objectives of the national historic site program are:
- to foster knowledge and appreciation of Canada's past through a national program of historic commemoration;
- to ensure the commemorative integrity of national historic sites administered by Parks Canada by protecting and presenting them for the benefit, education and enjoyment of this and future generations, in a manner that respects the significant and irreplaceable legacy represented by these places and their associated resources; and
- to encourage and support the protection and presentation of other places of national historic significance that are not administered by Parks Canada.
The Rocky Mountain House Management Plan has been developed within this general framework. The specific purpose of this management plan is to provide direction over the next 10 – 15 years for the Site's protection, presentation and use.
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