Infrastructure work in the national historic site
Gulf of Georgia Cannery National Historic Site
Parks Canada is investing an unprecedented $3 billion dollars over five years to support infrastructure work to heritage, visitor, waterway and highway assets located within national historic sites, national parks, and national marine conservation areas across Canada. Investments in preservation, rehabilitation, and restoration of our national historic sites will protect our heritage and strengthen their appeal as destinations to celebrate our nation's achievements.
Completed Work
Fire Suppression System Upgrades
From September 2018 to March 2021, Parks Canada replaced the old fire suppression system in the building with a new system which meets the latest fire safety standards. Investments in the preservation and restoration of national historic sites will protect these important heritage places for future generations.
Building Envelope Upgrades at the Gulf of Georgia Cannery
In 2018-19, Parks Canada invested in important updates to the Gulf of Georgia Cannery’s office building. This included updated HVAC, exterior siding, and seismic upgrades. The project also improved energy efficiency by adding new windows and new LED lighting to replace fluorescent lighting.
Sanitation Upgrades
A new sanitary system at the building was completed in November 2019 and replaces the previous system, which was decommissioned.
Project updates will be posted on the Cannery’s Facebook and X accounts.Parks Canada appreciates the patience of the community and visitors alike while we complete this necessary work.
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