Site management
Gitwangak Battle Hill National Historic Site
Gitwangak Battle Hill National Historic Site (NHS) is administered by the Gwaii Haanas Field Unit of Parks Canada, located in Skidegate, Haida Gwaii. The Simgiget'm Gitwangak Society (hereditary leaders) is consulted in all management decisions to do with Gitwankgak Battle Hill.
Management statement - what's that?
The fundamental goal of a national historic site management statement is to ensure the commemorative integrity of the National Historic Site, meaning:
- The resources that represent its importance are not impaired or under threat;
- The reasons for the site's national historic significance are effectively communicated to the public;
- The site's heritage values are respected by all whose decisions or actions affect the site.
Gitwangak management statement
Parks Canada has prepared a management statement for Gitwangak Battle Hill National Historic Site (NHS) that will guide Parks Canada’s decisions and actions in protecting, presenting and operating Gitwangak Battle Hill NHS over a ten-year period. The new management statement replaces the existing management plan that was drafted in 2005.
The statement was prepared after a reviewing the future goals and potential challenges of the site in terms of visitors, location needs and cultural resource management. The current state of Gitwangak Battle Hill was also assessed with both input and support from the Simgiget’m Gitwangak Society (hereditary leaders).
The communities of Gitwangak and Kitwanga shared their views and opinions on the draft plan at community meetings held in August 2017, and the public comment period ended on September 29, 2017.
The main commitments of the management statement include:
- Continuing to build relationships with Gitwangak First Nation
- Maintaining relationships with local partners
- Continuing cultural resource conservation
- Ongoing site maintenance
- Explore new opportunities for public appreciation and promotion
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