Featured events
Fort Langley National Historic Site
Vive les Voyageurs festival

Tap your feet to the beat of French-Canadian music at Fort Langley National Historic Site’s annual Vive les Voyageurs Festival. Enliven your senses with the traditional foods, music and culture of the 19th century French-Canadian and Métis fur traders.
Brigade Days

Experience British Columbia’s early culture at Fort Langley’s Brigade Days. Meet fascinating characters demonstrating 19th century skills, listen to music and smell what’s cooking as you walk through the encampment. Fun for all ages.
Highlights include collecting trading cards from the different re-enactors (kids can even create their own!), a visit to the Washer Women’s laundry camp, and the Fur Trade Fashion Show.
Want to get in on the excitement? Compete in our “Fort Feats of Strength” contest, an exciting old-fashioned relay race. Come with your team of eight adults (age 18+) or team up with other visitors on the spot. The champions will have their name displayed on site.
And of course, don’t miss the “Arrival of the Fur Brigades” canoe re-enactment by the river.
Grave Tales

Join our expert storytellers for a two- or three-hour program of spine-chilling stories, as you walk through the Fort Langley village at night.
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