Knowledge Sharing Series

The Forks National Historic Site

Parks Canada welcomes you to a very special Knowledge Sharing Series at The Forks.

On select Saturdays throughout July and August, our guests will speak about their experiences and share knowledge that they have gained over the years. Anyone wanting to learn more about and connect more deeply with First Nations and Red River Métis culture is invited and encouraged to attend. 

Knowledge Sharing Series sessions will take place at the Orientation Circle. In the event of inclement weather, the sessions will be moved to the Agowiidiwinan Centre near the Johnston Terminal.


Lance Guilbault

Aug. 10 – Storytelling for children and youth with Lance Guilbault - 12 to 3 pm

Hello, my name is Lance Guilbault. Awinigaabo ndizhnikaaz (“The Fog or Mist That Stands Alone/The Standing Fog”) is my spirit name. Ginew ndotem (“Golden Eagle”) is my Clan. I was raised in a traditional environment where I was able to participate in ceremonies. I am thankful that I was able to embrace our sacred ways because my parents made a point of taking me to these sacred spaces like the Sundance, sweat lodge, powwows and other ceremonies.

Coming from a long line of wise teachers and then becoming one himself, Lance will share stories at The Forks on Aug. 10.

Melanie Gamache

August 24 – Métis beadwork with Melanie Gamache - 12 to 3 pm

Hello, I'm Melanie Gamache, a Manitoba Francophone Métis beadwork artisan. My journey started by learning the art of beading but it soon evolved into developing unique Métis cultural learning experiences by sharing stories of connections between culture and history with nature, art and food. I am always honoured when guests visit Borealis Beading to gain a better appreciation of the Métis people.

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