Walking Challenge
Red Bay National Historic Site
On your mark, get set… colour!
Explore our sites virtually by taking our Walking Challenge. Every step you take brings you closer to a finished piece of art.
It’s simple:
• Download and print the walking challenge colouring sheet.
• For every kilometre you walk, colour in a shape.
• Complete the challenge and you’ll have a beautiful piece of hand-coloured art.
Claim your reward sticker. Email us a photo of your completed sheet and a mailing address to redbay@pc.gc.ca and we’ll send you a special holographic Walking Challenge sticker.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Do I have to walk?
You can walk, jog, or run. The pace and the activity is up to you. It could be hiking, biking, skateboarding, skiing, or even snowshoeing.
Do I have to do the challenge at a Parks Canada site?
You’ll love exploring our sites, but it’s a virtual challenge. You can do it anywhere.
Is this for adults and kids?
Do I have to go outside?
Walking outside is great – you’ll love it – but you can walk anywhere. You could do it at a track at the gym or a stadium, or walk on a treadmill. Some people even do mall-walking.
What if there’s rain, or worse… snow?
Don’t worry, you’re not made out of sugar, so you won’t melt in the rain. But do dress appropriately for the weather or consider walking indoors.
Where can I get the Walking Challenge colouring sheet?
You can download and print it or you can get a sheet from one of our visitor centres.
Do I have to colour in the order of the numbers shown on the sheet?
No. The numbers are just there as a helpful guide to track your kilometres. The order of the shapes you colour is up to you.
Do I have to use crayons?
You can use crayons, coloured pencils, markers, highlighters, or any art tools you have. Get creative!
What are the challenge rewards?
Each shape that you’ve coloured is a reward for how far you’ve come. At the end of the challenge you’ll have achieved a remarkable walking accomplishment and have some amazing art to show for it. Both staying active and art-making
can contribute to general well-being, help you relax, and relieve stress. Also, you can claim a special holographic Walking Challenge sticker.
How do I claim my sticker?
Send a photo of your completed sheet and a mailing address to redbay@pc.gc.ca and we’ll send you a reward sticker. You can also get a reward sticker at the visitor centre of the site of the walking challenge.
Are there any other walking challenges that I could try?
Yes. Here are some other walking challenges you can try. Each has its own art and distance goal.
• 150 KM Walking Challenge – Port au Choix National Historic Site
• 200 KM Walking Challenge – L’Anse aux Meadows National Historic Site
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