Plan your visit
Canso Islands National Historic Site
Canso Islands National Historic Site is located on the waterfront of Canso, a small seaside community on the Eastern Shore of Nova Scotia. Canso is a 3.5-hour drive from Sydney, Nova Scotia or a 4-hour drive from Halifax, Nova Scotia. Travel along the scenic Marine Drive through picturesque fishing communities. Visitors may have the opportunity to travel by ferry to Grassy Island to explore hiking trails and remnants of an 18th-century fishing out-post. To ensure ferrying services are available, call ahead at 902-366-3136.
Hours of operation
Hours of operation, visitor centre, and ferry services.
Daily visitor fees. Free admission for youth.
Electric vehicle charging stations
Parks Canada's managed charging stations.
Maps and brochures
Visitor Information at Canso Islands National Historic Site of Canada
How to get here
Canso Islands National Historic Site lies in the Atlantic Ocean 0.5 km (0.3 mi) off the Canso waterfront. The visitor reception centre is located in the town of Canso, Nova Scotia, on the waterfront off Union Street.
If you're driving from Antigonish, take TransCanada Highway 104 to exit 37 (Monastery). Follow Route 16 along Chedabucto Bay to Canso. Driving time is 90 minutes. Or take TransCanada Highway 104 to exit 40 (Aulds Cove) and follow scenic Route 344 past the Strait of Canso to Route 16. Driving time is two hours.
From Sherbrooke, take Route 211 to coastal Route 316, then follow Route 16 to Canso. Driving time is two hours.
Free admission
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