Map of the Districts of Mi'kma'ki (Kjipuktuk aq Mi'kma'ki)

Halifax Citadel National Historic Site

This map shows the Districts of Mi'kma'ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq. Mi'kma'ki encompasses Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, the island of Newfoundland, and parts of New Brunswick and Quebec.

Map of the Districts of Mi'kma'ki

More details
Mi'kmaw place name English interpretation
Epekwitk aq Piktuk Cradled above land; Explosion place
Ktaqmkuk Across the waves
Unama’kik Land of fog
Eskikewa’kik meaning uncertain
Kespukwitk End of flow
Siknikt Drainage area
Kespe’k End of land
Sɨpekne'katik Area of wild potato/turnip

Indigenous content in these maps and throughout the new Fortress Halifax exhibit was developed in collaboration with our partners at Mi’kmawey Debert. Map content draws upon the Mi’kmaw Place Names Digital Atlas and Trudy Sable and Bernie Francis, The Language of This Land, Mi’kma’ki (Sydney, NS: Cape Breton University Press, 2012).

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