Saoyú-ʔehdacho National Historic Site

Using recreational drones in Saoyú-ʔehdacho National Historic Site is prohibited. Operating a drone within park boundaries may face law enforcement action and a fine of up to $25,000.

Saoyú Hǝ́ Ɂehdacho, Nakecho Gonę́nę́ Hek’éodí

Saoyú hǝ́ Ɂehdacho nįɂa sį́į sahtú k’ǝ ełets’ę́ kérį́ɂá. (Great Bear Lake sį́į dene kedǝ́ k’ę́ ‘’Sahtú’’ góredi) sį́į dúhdá Northwest Territories gok’ǝ́yíi Arctic Circle gots’ę hįkwǝ́ǝ ts’ę́ Sahtú góɂǫ. Sahtúgot’ı̨nę náowere nezǫ́ hedegutǫ́ t’á nágutse gogha edire 2008 ekúu Nakecho Nę́nę́ Hek’éodí gha káaya sį́į gosánédarę́t’ǫ. Saoyú hǝ́ Ɂehdacho dahxáré dene gháonetę hǝ́ dene najú hǝ́ edire newehtsįnę náoweré ts’ę́ káadets’enęɂá sį́į goghǫ agǫ́ht’e. Sahtúgot’ı̨nę gįlį sį́į k’áhjįnę areyǫnę́ Délı̨nę nádǝ́ hǝ́ Sahtúbáe gogha gots’ę, eyi zǫ kǫ́tah hólį.

Sahtúgot’ı̨nę gots’ę denecho eyiá Saoyú hǝ́ Ɂehdacho hǝ́ gok’ǝ́ts’udí gha ǫt’é t’á są́, Délı̨nę gots’ę dene ɂǫhdá kǝ suré nádaogéhwhe. Nę hǝ́ begodí dahxáré t’á są́ dene ɂǫhdá kǝ eyi benáoweré yáhįlį sį́į dene ghágenįla: yahnį́į gots’ę genįdǝ gogodí, dene ts’įlį benáoweré, dene ɂeɂá, nę k’ǝ edeghálats’ereda, nę hek’éts’edí hǝ́ dánį́ bek’ǝ edegots’edí goghǫ ǫt’e.

Délı̨nę Got’ı̨nę Government kǝ́ sį́į Parks Canada gohǝ́ edire 5,565 km2nę hek’éodí hįlį gha sį́į ededįnę godahxáré gohǝ́ k’egogeɂa.


Saoyú-Ɂehdacho National Historic Site of Canada

Saoyú and Ɂehdacho are two large peninsulas reaching into Sahtú (Great Bear Lake) just south of the Arctic Circle in the Northwest Territories. Designated a National Historic Site in 1997 and set aside as a protected area in 2008, Saoyú and Ɂehdacho are teaching, healing and spiritual places, essential to the cultural well-being of the Sahtúgot’ı̨nę -- “the people of Sahtú.” Most Sahtúgot’ı̨nę now live in Délı̨nę, the only community on Sahtú.

The Elders of Délı̨nę say that the protection of Saoyú and Ɂehdacho is a responsibility given to the Sahtúgot’ı̨nę by their ancestors. It is through these places and the stories associated with them that the Elders pass on their knowledge: their history, values, laws, land use skills, land management practices and life-styles.

The 5,565 km2 site is cooperatively managed by the Délı̨nę Got’ı̨nę Government and Parks Canada.

Featured things

Denecho Knowledge Centre

Welcome to the Digital Denecho Knowledge Centre Exhibit

Tudzǝ́ Godi

The Story of the Water Heart

Stewardship and management

Denecho Knowledge Centre Exhibit, Culture camp, Contact us

Activities and experiences

Camping, paddling, snowshoeing, canoeing, photography, hiking, picnicking

Language, Culture and Knowledge

Saoyú and ʔehdacho Stories, The Animal Sign Guide

Contact us

Phone: 867-578-3008

Phone: 867-777-8800



Hours of operation

Open year-round

Hours of operation:
Monday to Friday  
9 a.m to 5 p.m.


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