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Wrecks of HMS Erebus and HMS Terror National Historic Site
The "Great Unsolved Mysteries in Canadian History" is a project, which provides engaging, free, high-quality materials to schools and universities for teaching historical methods and Canadian history. The Franklin Mystery: Life and Death in the Arctic An event held in June 2015 called “Finding Franklin: New Approaches to Teaching Canadian History” resulted in a series of videos being produced. The event brought Canada’s leading experts as well as with historians, Inuit cultural advisors, underwater archaeologists, curriculum specialists from Nunavut and the Northwest Territories (NWT), and teachers from northern and southern Canada. With the support of its partners, Canadian Geographic Education has created activities for intermediate students to bring the excitement of exploration into classrooms. (Also available in Inuktitut) Franklin’s Lost Ships presents an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at one of the most important undersea discoveries since the Titanic. Franklin’s Lost Ships uses CGI and re-enactments to lay out how Franklin’s expedition became a tragedy in polar exploration history. It took scientific discipline, Inuit oral history and some luck to finally find the Erebus. But the story is far from over. Franklin’s Lost Ships reveals it’s only just begun. A one minute video by Fisheries Canada; an intro to mysteries of the Franklin voyage revealed in Canada's Arctic. Find a collection of short videos related to the finds of HMS Investigator, Erebus and Terror on Park Canada’s YouTube channelGreat Unsolved Mysteries in Canadian History (GUMICH)
The history education network Then|Hier
Canadian Geographic Education
The Nature of Things
Discovery of HMS Erebus Video
Related Parks Canada videos
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