Filming, video, and photo requests

Wrecks of HMS Erebus and HMS Terror National Historic Site

Parks Canada and Inuit partners receive a wide range of requests for the use of imagery of the Wrecks of HMS Erebus and HMS Terror National Historic Site, film and photography permits, and collaboration on film production. This page outlines how requests are handled and provides steps that requesters can take to get more information.

For all inquiries related to image and video use, filming, and photography, email

Film and photography permits

A Parks Canada underwater archaeologist writing on a white board while being filmed.
Parks Canada Underwater Archaeologist describes archaeological work on HMS Erebus while being filmed (Photo: Thierry Boyer/Parks Canada).

Permits are required for all film and photography activities at the Wrecks of HMS Erebus and HMS Terror National Historic Site. Permit applications are reviewed by Parks Canada and Inuit partners on a case-by-case basis, with careful consideration given to potential for archaeological, environmental, and cultural impacts.

Please note: At this time, Parks Canada is not accepting applications.

For more information, send us an email.

Film and documentary production

A Parks Canada employee filming another Parks Canada employee standing in front of an image of the Erebus shipwreck and talking to the camera.
Live Parks Canada broadcast from the ice atop the wreck of HMS Erebus in April 2015 (Photo: Peter Reed/Royal Canadian Navy).

Parks Canada and Inuit partners regularly receive requests to partner on film and documentary production.

Please note: At this time, Parks Canada is not seeking co-production partners.

For more information, send us an email.

Stock photos, videos, and other images

An underwater image of a green bell lying on its side, surrounded by seaweed.
HMS Erebus bell on upper deck upon discovery, 2014 (Photo: Thierry Boyer/Parks Canada).

Parks Canada is pleased to review requests for the use of existing or previously released photos, video footage, website content, and other media for use in publications (books, academic articles, newsletters, blogs, websites, etc.), museum exhibitions, television, online content, and more.

To submit a request, send us an email with a brief description of the project. Requesters are required to complete an image request form and provide details about the intended use of the media. All requests are reviewed on a case-by-case basis by Parks Canada and partners.

Media inquiries

For inquiries from media representatives (print and online news outlets, magazines, etc.), contact the Media Relations team at or call 1-855-862-1812.

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