Facilities and services

Bellevue House National Historic Site

Service notice: The accessibility lift servicing the main floor of the historic house is closed for repair. The grounds and Kitchen area of the house have level access and we can provide a virtual experience upon arrival.

English and French service available.

Parking Lot

Free off-street parking available for visitors only. There are designated areas for tour buses. Parking rentals are available for a monthly fee. 

Electric vehicle charging stations

Available for visitors only during hours of operation.
Located in the parking lot.

Visitor Centre

  • Multi-media display area
  • Gift Shop
  • Public washrooms
  • Tourism information 

Restored Grounds

  • Brochures
  • Interpretive text panels
  • Costumed interpreters
  • Guided tours

Services for Persons with Disabilities

Bellevue House National Historic Site also offers the following services to assist those with various disabilities in enjoying their visit to the site.

Accessible parking and approach.

Visitor Centre

  • Power-assisted doors  
  • Accessible washroom

Restored Grounds and Gardens

  • Accessible approach to the historic house.

Historic House

  • Platform lift to the first level

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