Gifts to the site from The People's Republic of China

Bethune Memorial House National Historic Site

Bethune is a famous name in China. His war-time service and his contributions to health care and training are taught in Chinese schools. Statues, monuments, hospitals, museums and schools throughout China commemorate him. Delegations visiting Bethune Memorial House from China often bring gifts to leave here at his birthplace.

Plate of Dr. Bethune with comrades
Sample of the many gifts received each year to honour the memory of Dr. Bethune
© Parks Canada

Sample of the many gifts received each year to honour the memory of Dr. Bethune
Sample of the many gifts received each year to honour the memory of Dr. Bethune
© Parks Canada
bronze statue of Dr. Bethune with members of the 8th Route Army presented to the site at the opening ceremony, 1076 by a delegation from The People's Republic of China
Bronze statue of Dr. Bethune with members of the 8th Route Army presented to the site at the opening ceremony, 1976, by a delegation from The People's Republic of China
© Parks Canada

silk tapestry
Silk tapestry of Mount Huang
© Parks Canada

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